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R. Blunt Soc. Sec. meeting and Springfield candidate forum

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Desert Liberal Donating Member (394 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-28-05 07:30 PM
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R. Blunt Soc. Sec. meeting and Springfield candidate forum
We need your help!

Majority Whip Roy "Corrupt" Blunt is coming to Springfield this
Tuesday, March 29 to speak about Social Security and President
Bush's plan for private accounts. This Townhall forum is bound
to get media attention and we need your help to ask Roy Blunt
tough questions and to have a Democratic presence.

We will be holding a rally before at:
5 p.m. Tuesday, March 29
Front steps of the Midtown Carnegie Library,
397 E. Central Street

We will be hand out talking points and discussing strategy for
the meeting. Please refrain from wearing political shirts or
buttons. We want to be called on to asked questions and want
to present a credible, non-partisan front for the media camera's.

The Townhall Meeting is next door at:

5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 29
City Utilities Training Center,
301 E. Central Street

It is time to stand up against the rash, irresponsible actions
of Roy Blunt and President Bush.

Call Greene County Democratic HQ at 417-886-
8980 if you need more information.

From the Thursday, March 24 News-Leader (and accessed from

forum will be held March 31 at St. Joseph Elementary
School, 515 W. Scott St.

Hosted by the Urban Neighborhoods Alliance, the forum is
designed to highlight neighborhood and north Springfield
issues. Candidates will also take questions from the public.
Candidates for all City Council offices have been invited,
including mayoral candidates.

This forum begins at 7 p.m.
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