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Call on Bond and Talent to oppose Sen. Frist

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Desert Liberal Donating Member (394 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-01-05 07:28 PM
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Call on Bond and Talent to oppose Sen. Frist
Edited on Fri Apr-01-05 07:30 PM by aundria75
as he tries to eliminate debate and filibuster in the Senate!

Within a matter of days, the Senate could face a truly momentous decision - one with consequences that will reverberate across America for decades to come.

Senator Frist, the Republican Majority Leader, has a plan to make President Bush's judicial nominations immune to a Senate filibuster. If he can convince enough Republican Senators to go along, the nomination and confirmation of judges will become a tightly-controlled, one-party affair.

We're working hard to make sure the Senate doesn't cross this dangerous line. Here's how you can help.

Please Call Your Republican Senators Now!

Please contact Senators Bond and Talent now. In polite and respectful language, make it clear that as one of their constituents you are counting on them to oppose Senator Frist's dangerous plan to deny millions of Americans any meaningful voice in decisions vital to America's future.

Senator Bond's office can be reached at:
Cape Girardeau 573-334-7044
Jefferson City 573-634-2488
Kansas City 816-471-7141
Springfield 417-864-8258
St. Louis 314-725-4484

Senator Talent's office can be reached at:
Cape Girardeau 573-651-0964
Jefferson City 573-636-1070
Kansas City 816-421-1639
Springfield 417-831-2735
St. Louis 314-432-5211

To help us track the number of calls our campaign is generating and know where we need to place our efforts, please let us know you've made the calls.

There is so much on the line in this debate. And, I am convinced that if we mobilize as quickly and effectively as possible, we can prevent the Senate from taking the dangerous course that Republican leaders have called for. Remember, we're fighting for the strength and vibrancy of democracy itself.


John Kerry

P.S. If you need extra incentive for making those calls:

Imagine a world in which every appointment to the federal judiciary is a tightly-controlled, one-party exercise.
Imagine the kinds of judges that will sit on the federal bench - even on the Supreme Court -- if George W. Bush never needs a single Democratic vote.
Imagine the kind of decisions those judges will make that will directly affect your life and your constitutional rights.


Get to it guys and gals!

On edit: silly spelling
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xmas74 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-02-05 08:42 PM
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1. did it already.
Neither is going to listen, but I still did it.
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