Here is the sample letter and talking points. There is also an address at the bottom to send the letters to. Please let me know if you are going to participate. I need to get some numbers to the folks keeping count! Thanks!
Sample Letter
Dear Governor Blunt,
I am opposed to the 2005 special legislative session because it is a waste of time and money for the state of Missouri.
Therefore, I request that you stop wasting legislators’ time and taxpayer money and reconsider your insistence on calling a special session of the Missouri legislature.
Sincerely, (Signature) Address City, State, Zip
Talking Points
It is wasteful to spend taxpayer money when the state is facing a budget crisis. This special session will cost an estimated $100,000 per week at a time when the legislature has cut funding for vital programs such as Medicaid. The money wasted on a special session would be better spent educating our children or providing critical services for Missourians.
A special session should be reserved for pressing issues of statewide concern that cannot wait until the next legislative session. The single bill that will be the focus of the special session is not at all urgent and certainly does not merit such extraordinary attention.
It is a waste of a special session to have one because you want to appeal to controversy and manufacture a crisis for personal political gain. The calling of this special session is an obvious attempt to salvage the Governor’s tarnished political image. Despite the fact that 2005 is not an election year, Missourians are paying attention and we will remember what you do in 2005 when we visit the polls in 2006 & 2008.
It is a waste to have a special session if the proposed goal of the session is not effective. If your agenda is to reduce the number of unintended pregnancies in Missouri, then your efforts should be focused on restoring family planning funding and retaining medically correct information on contraception in sex education programs.
Step One—Grab some paper and a pen and use the opening sentence from the sample letter above.
Step Two—Select one (or more) of the talking points and copy it into your letter. Feel free to change the words around and make it your own.
Step Three—Insert the closing sentence and sign your name. Be sure to include your address, so Governor Blunt knows you are indeed a Missouri resident.
Step Four—Mail your letter to: 10,000 Letters P.O. Box 873 St. Peters, MO 63376
Democracy for America P.O. Box 10184 Springfield, MO 65808-0184
Step Five—Tell all your friends about the 10,000 Letters Campaign and how powerful a message a handwritten letter sends! Or better yet, forward them the link to our website: www.10ThousandLetters.org
Want to make an even greater impact? Send a copy of your letter to your state representative and/or state senator. Visit www.housemo.gov to find who your elected officials are