"Right to Life" booth at Missouri state fair
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Wed Aug-17-05 02:23 AM
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"Right to Life" booth at Missouri state fair |
Edited on Wed Aug-17-05 02:54 AM by pstokely
did anyone look at the propaganda this booth had? why doesn't Planned Parenthood or NARAL have a booth there?
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Wed Aug-17-05 02:24 AM
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1. most prochoice groups/agencies play it very cool at state fairs... |
....at least they do up here. ....it can be dicey. mostly they get the word out but sometimes wingnuts become confrontational....and some church groups are happy to picket because it's instant free media attention..
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Wed Aug-17-05 02:39 AM
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2. UNL NORML/HEMP had a booth at the State Fair for a number of years |
The groups you mention should be there.
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