Kansas City Star printed my letter to the editor on Friday. I'd link it, but their web site apparently has a glitch that was printing the contents of the "Voices" column where "Letters" should be. Here it is (quoted in full, because I am giving myself permission!):
Lack of Leadership
The nation has suffered from a monumental lack of leadership. Just look at what members of the Bush administration did immediately after Katrina struck:
Bush was winding up a month-long respite, after setting a record for most vacation days. He traveled to California and Arizona for Medicare events. He celebrated John McCain's birthday. He made a V-J Day speech and goofed around on guitar. He slept two final nights in Crawford before heading to New Orleans or Washington.
Driving near Crawford, Karl Rove surprised Camp Casey's counter-protesters by posing for nice, happy pictures. Wasn't there anything better for Bush's senior political advisor and deputy chief of staff to be doing?
On vacation, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice saw a Broadway musical. And while Americans scraped up money for the Red Cross, she shopped for shoes.
Dick Cheney remained on vacation and out of sight.
What is wrong with these people? This unfathomable disaster demanded a much swifter response. This administration's heartless incompetence is staggering. There should be consequences for their inexcusable failures.
After I sent this, but before it saw print, I realized I should have changed the last sentence from "There should be consequences" to "They should face serious consequences." That would have been better; after all, there have been consequences--it just hasn't been the Bushies who have paid them.
And there's so much more I could have said, but they'll only take letters of a certain length.