You all will be interested to know that his is being supported by Kate Meiners (KC Dem) and Belinda Harris (St. Louis area Dem) and we need to let them know we do not approve!!! This bill affects my professional life as a nurse educator at a local health dept. Right now, when I am asked to teach a class on STD's or Teen Pregnancy I talk about statistics, effects of STD's, symptoms, risks, etc. Then, since I am in a middle school or high school, I talk to them about abstinence as the only 100% way to prevent STD's or pregnancy, as well as the emotional issues involved in sexual relationships. Then, I discuss condoms, if an STD class, and other forms of birth control if I have been asked to discuss them, and we discuss the risks and effectiveness or lack of effectiveness for some methods. They get the truth about how to protect themselves IF they are sexually active or choose to at a later time. THIS BILL, below, will prohibit me from even MENTIONING condoms or other birth control. I will be allowed to say, abstinence from sexual activity will protect you and if they ask me how to protect themselves if they ARE sexually active, my response must be, "You can make an appointment with your family practitioner to discuss that." Yea, right. Like that is gonna happen. They are going to call, make an appointment, pay the copay, let their parent get the insurance 'description of benefits' thing in the mail, etc. NO, they are just going to ask around or not ask and use no protection. Do these crazy wingnuts realize they are causing MORE abortions by causing more unplanned pregnancies. Why can't we all work together to help PREVENT pregnancies by restoring family planning funding, etc. No, they can't do that-Liberals have cooties. :banghead:
SPONSOR: Phillips (Davis)
COMMITTEE ACTION: Voted "do pass" by the Committee on Children and Families by a vote of 8 to 3.
This substitute revises the current requirements for presenting information in public schools relating to contraception and sexually transmitted diseases. Students must be informed that personally and medically relevant information concerning contraception, abortion, and pregnancy may be obtained from their family practitioner rather than presenting students with the latest medically factual information regarding side effects, health benefits, and failure rates for the methods of preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Currently, curriculum materials must be made available for inspection prior to their use. The substitute clarifies that the materials should be available one week before use and also requires that schools must make known the instructor's name and any affiliation with an entity involved with human sexuality instruction at least one week in advance.
No entity providing abortion services is permitted to furnish materials or instruction. The substitute also clarifies that its provisions are applicable to charter schools.
FISCAL NOTE: No impact on state funds in FY 2007, FY 2008, and FY 2009.
PROPONENTS: Supporters say the bill will establish new guidelines for school districts that want to teach sex education curriculum, keeping abortion providers out of public and charter schools. This state has a long history of supporting legislation that protects life from its inception to natural death.
Testifying for the bill were Representative Davis; Missouri Eagle Forum; Missouri Right to Life; Campaign Life Missouri; Missouri Family Network; Missouri Baptist Convention, Christian Life Commission; Missouri Catholic Conference; America Asleep Know More; Fellowship and Association of Christian Teachers; and Cheri Pierce.
OPPONENTS: Those who oppose the bill say it will eliminate discussion of contraceptives in public schools that provide sex education. This kind of legislation does not provide accurate information regarding contraceptives and pregnancy unless it is religiously based. The bill is an abstinence only bill that does not respect our kids.
Testifying against the bill were Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri; Marcy Vansandt; Clarissa Jane Schuller; Steven Plax, M.D.; Franklin McCallie; and Sarah Barasch.
Dominic Lackey, Legislative Analyst