House Bill 1783 (was named HB 1479) Bill 962 contact your MO state congress critters ASAP and ask them to vote NO on these bills. They would allow for tuition tax credits and vouchers in 3 MO school districts - KC, St. Louis and Wellston. Tuition tax credits are reductions in tax liability for parents who enroll their children in private schools. They represent a drop in revenue for the state and can lead to a reduction in funding for public schools or other public services. Tuition tax credits are worth more than tuition tax deductions, and they typically benefit wealthier families who already have their children enrolled in private schools. IOW, wealthy republicans will pay less in taxes if their kids attend private schools. (Which is IMO, the REAL reason for this legislation).
One of the state reps sponsoring this legislation is traveling around the state claiming that 95% of the students who graduate from high school in KCMO are functionally illiterate. State MAP test scores, SAT and ACT scores, as well as NAEP test scores absolutely do NOT support her claim. She is blowing smoke. If she had a decent piece of legislation, it would seem that she wouldn't need to lie to get it passed, eh?
Now for some truth - Evidence does not support the argument that vouchers or tuition tax credits will improve public education. However, there is strong evidence that reducing class size and adopting scientifically based reading programs improves student achievement. There is also evidence that early childhood education increases a child's success rate in school.
These tuition tax credit vouchers would take $40 million away from public schools in Missouri. This amount would be more than enough to fund early childhood programs in the three affected districts. So if the state wants to improve education in these districts, then a better strategy would be to establish early childhood programs or reduce class sizes in each district.
SB 962 refers to these vouchers as "Angell Opportunity Scholarships". That's just a fancy new name for VOUCHERS. The Angell part is from the name of the guy (Mr. Angell) who will be hired to supervize the program. Yes, the bill mandates that this particular guy - who doesn't even live in MO - be hired to run the opportunity scholarship program.
Say NO to vouchers, tuition tax credits and Angell Opportunity Scholarships.