By SAM HANANEL, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - Republican Sen. Jim Talent (news, bio, voting record), facing tough competition from a Democratic challenger, is getting some help from two GOP heavy hitters — first lady Laura Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.
The vice president will headline a $250-per-plate fundraiser for the first-term Missouri senator in Springfield on April 10. The first lady will take part in an April 4 event in St. Louis that Talent will miss due to a scheduling conflict, spokesman Rich Chrismer said Friday.
While the first lady remains among the most popular in history, Cheney's poll numbers are even lower than President Bush's. Some Republican Senate candidates have joined Bush and Cheney for private fundraisers but avoided public appearances with them.
"Missourians understand if you share a platform with someone, it doesn't mean you agree on everything," Chrismer said, referring to the Cheney event. "Senator Talent doesn't always agree with the administration, but he has appreciated their support on issues that are important to Missouri, such as lowering health care costs for small-business people and their workers."
Talent is facing a strong challenge from Democratic State Auditor Claire McCaskill and both candidates are pushing to increase their campaign cash in what is expected to be an expensive race. Recent polls show the candidates running even.
A McCaskill spokeswoman said Cheney's visit shows that Talent doesn't think he can beat the Democrat on his own.
"This is another indication that Jim Talent has to depend on other Washington insiders like Dick Cheney to do his heavy lifting because his weak record alone isn't enough to bring in the support he needs," spokeswoman Adrianne Marsh said.;_ylt=AkDWMETEkmKAKPqD7A7FeJiyFz4D;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA--___