Rich Meyer (D) is running for state representative in Missouri House district 126. District 126 is comprised of all of Barton and Dade counties, southern Polk County, and all of Jasper county west of Carthage and Hwy 71. This includes the towns of Avilla, Reeds, Sarcoxie, Lamar, Liberal, Golden City, Lockwood, Greenfield, Everton, Dadeville, Morrisville, and Pleasant Hope.
1). What about your experience makes you qualified to represent the people of the 131st State Congressional district?
I grew up with working people graduated from High school and worked all my life. I managed a small business and turned farmer for a number of years. I like many farmers went out of business when Ronald Reagan came along.
2). How would describe your political beliefs?
I am a die in the wool Yellow dog Democrat.
3). If elected, what committee assignment(s) would you seek?
I am interested in serving on the Appropriation, Education and Labor committees. These are issues I am very strong on, not to leave out healthcare, senior issues, and insurance for folks that don't make enough to pay for it.
4). How do you plan to compete financially with your opponent's campaign?
The Barton County Democratic Committee meets Thursday April 13th at 6:00 pm in the Memorial Hall basement and I will be there. My campaign relies on active participation by locals who care about their communities.
5). How would you describe your religious beliefs?
I was raised Baptist.
6). If elected what would be your top three legislative priorities?
The cuts to Medicaid are wrong. What kind of morals does it take to cut thousands of working and disabled Missourians from the Medicaid rolls?
I believe in properly funding education. What kind of political experience does it take to cut funds to education to the point good teachers have to be let go? What kind of political experience does it take to make our youngsters pay over a thousand dollars more to attend college when they none to begin with? Then to add insult to the wound cutting Pell grants and most other grants to help with schooling is just as wrong.
I would do my level best to help the Democrats in Jefferson City to turn the mess around. The mess that these so call caring Republican's have created by caring more for the companies and corporations (that do not pay their fair share of taxes to Missouri even though they do a lot of business in out state).