Edited on Sat May-13-06 12:51 PM by jbm
I'm in the process of informing myself on all of the details concerning the voter ID bill, so I may not have all the details correct, but I think we need to work very hard to counter this bill.
I just came from a local dem meeting on this issue, and the picture ID is going to be almost impossible for many people to get. There was a woman there who is 86 years old, but has never driven and had no birth certificate. Without a birth certificate they won't give her a picture ID. She's always been very politically active, so when she heard they may require picture ID, she began the process of getting the ID. She requested a copy of her birth certificate from Jefferson City (the state capitol)over 6 months ago, but keeps running into roadblocks. Most recently they told her she had to bring in a family member who was older then herself to somehow verify her birth. The woman is 86..she doesn't have any family left that is older then herself.
There is a local office here that will print out a birth certificate from hospital records on the net, but the license bureau refused to accept those copies for some reason, so even people in the system will have to request the certificate from Jeff City. I spoke to a judge and an attorney earlier today who are talking with the ACLU to see if we can fight this legislation, but for now it stands, and it will impact the November elections. There is a part of the bill that allows for provisional ballots if the person has no ID , but their signature can be verified. Local parties in Missouri may not be able to fight the legislation, or get IDs into the hands of all the voters , but we can make certain that we have someone at the polls insisting that people without ID be allowed to vote with a provisional ballot. We also need to make certain that people know they CAN vote with a provisional ballot, so they will still come to the polls.
(If this post looks familiar, it's because I had originally put it up in response to a comment on the "latest breaking news" forum, but I figured we need to discuss this issue at the Missouri forum.)