to figure out how we can help Claire win?
My worry is that too many of us are getting complacent from the media telling us that the Dems are a shoe-in come Nov. PLEASE don't take that as some kind of personal attack and feel the need to start some kind of flame-war. I will be the first to admit I'm doing it myself.
I'm not a big corporate media follower but we all should be able to admit that the repetition of the "Dems will win in Nov., Dems will win in Nov., (repeat)......." message is being pounded into our brains. Unfortunately this breeds (with me at least) a kind of laziness towards the upcoming elections. So think of it as giving my lazy-ass things to do to help out! The easier the task the better (See previous sentences regarding my laziness)
I will start this out by giving a suggestion:
Lets pick a day of the week, every week (Tuesday for example) that we all print out 1 (thats right just 1! ...again refer to my laziness.) flyer for Claire and hang it up somewhere (supermarket bulletin board, church message board, etc.) or leave it somewhere that people will probably at least take a look at it (Dr./Dentist office if you have an appointment, bus, or anywhere people are just sitting with nothing else to do, etc.)
What do you all think?
I would also ask that this please not turn ugly. Please don't post "YOUR IDEA SUCKS BECAUSE....."
You know what if you don't like someones idea, just don't do it. I am in no way suggesting that this be some kind of mandatory thing everyone has to do (That would be a 'You're either with us.. or against us'- YIKES! now I'm quoting him!) I am simply looking for EASY things we can all do to help Claire win in Nov.