I've been thinking about getting one for around town driving. I live about five miles from work and the charge would last to work. (I'm interested in electric. Good for around town and I won't be tempted to take it on the highway, as I would w/ some of the newer and faster gas Vespas on the market. Turns out in MO those are not allowed on the highway). I've been looking at a 2 seater-will hold up to 330 lbs, which would be great for myself and my daughter. I'm not too afraid to stick her on-it goes only about 20 or so mph and she's old enough to hold on.
Just a few questions: can I use just my regular license or will I have to upgrade to a class M since it is motorized? Do I have to license the vehicle and if so, where do you get insurance coverage for that? (Called around and a few agents were clueless about it, suggesting motorcycle insurance which doesn't quite sound right.) And, can I put my daughter on the back of a two-seater, since it only gets speeds of 20 mph? Helmuts would be mandatory (from me, I don't care what the law says) and I've read where you can get straps to strap the children in. I also saw one online where they had modified it to raise the back so that the second rider could lean against it, making a harness easy to attach and use.
Any responses would be more than welcome. I've been looking up the info online and the average electric scooter/moped costs about 1-2 cents an hour to recharge, w/ the average recharge taking four hours. I've spoken to my employers, offering to pay them on a monthly to recharge the vehicle at work. They said that one dollar would more than cover it if I really wanted to pay anything at all. Right now I just need info about how the laws work in MO and the DOR site isn't very specific.
Thanks in advance!