DFA's July Meetup is on for this coming Thursday, July 6th, 2006 at Harpo's on E. Walnut, in the back room, at 7 p.m. We welcome Catherine Hilliard (running for the 143rd District) and Richard Napieralski (running for the 137th District) as our speakers this Thursday night. We are very excited that both have agreed to speak, and would love to have a big turnout for them, so tell your friends!
Speaking of things to tell your friends about, one of our members, Keith, has started a meetup group for progressive documentaries. His first showing is going to be "Orwell Rolls in His Grave," so go sign up to find out when and where this great doc will air. Keith will be at Thursday's meeting, so let him know you appreciate his efforts! Sign up here for Keith's group:
http://docfilm.meetup.com/56/ Don't forget to fill out the poll questions and register your interest on making a political documentary for the Moxie's first birthday! Remember, there is strength in numbers! We are the majority, and this group just might help get our views out there, if enough of us participate. Tell your friends, sign up! It's a fun and easy way to get involved and fired up!
I've also got some ideas on fighting the Right from a great book called "50 Simple Things You Can Do to Fight the Right." We will be helping to register voters for ProVote this year as they work to increase the minimum wage in Missouri, and we will be discussing ways to increase voter registration and turnout in our area. Also, if any of you can afford to contribute to ProVote, please do so! They are working on getting the minimum wage raised in Missouri, and that is something that makes sense for everyone. If you want a good cause to give your hard-earned cash to, this one could have huge effects for over 100,000 Missourians (that is the number that would get an automatic wage increase if the increase passed). Our minimum wage of $5.15 is a disgrace. We all know that no one can live on that. Let's all work together to get Missourians a better wage!
I'm looking forward to seeing all of you there on Thursday! Happy Independence Day!!! Have a great holiday, and then let's GET TO WORK!!!