Cleaver at odds with other clergy, other lawmakers...The congressman, a minister, opposes amending Constitution to bar gay marriages.snip
Angry frustration was palpable when The Star interviewed Cleaver recently on Capitol Hill to get a unique perspective on the issue from Congress’ only practicing minister. He opened a Bible several times to show passages that he thought showed the absurdity of the effort. At one point he slapped the big book against his thigh in exasperation, muttering, “This place. … I don’t know.
“This is shamefully political and sinfully divisive,” said Cleaver, the senior pastor of St. James United Methodist Church in Kansas City. “It’s bad theology because there is nothing Biblical about creating divisions between people.”
Cleaver is not in step with many other clergy, including some African-Americans, and their congregations. To them, gay marriage is a major front in the fight over “family values,” which often adds up to 70 percent “no” votes in many state referendums on gay marriage.
“I give Republicans credit,” said Cleaver, who is black. “They have discovered that some African-Americans will abandon their concern about and interest in issues that impact their congregations in favor of a candidate who speaks in opposition to homosexuality.
“The voter ID card is way down the line. Doesn’t matter that it will prevent many African-Americans from voting. Their No. 1 issue becomes homosexuality. … There needs to be some kind of sociological study to find out why African-Americans are so intolerant on the issue of homosexuality. I don’t know. People have talked about it for years.”