I don't understand what effect Mr Sharpton expects from his impromptu visit to AmerenUE Headquarters on Chouteau in St Louis today. Yes, I agree that they should be investigated to determine whether they are up to federal standards and whether they are keeping up on tree trimming and other maintenance issues. I think they are working as hard as they can to restore power. One worker was killed today and another injured (
Mr Sharpton is viewed as a divisive figure here in St Louis, having led a protest on Highway 70 a few years ago over the lack of minority participation in light rail construction.
Mr Sharpton does not realize that there are wealthy areas of North St Louis County as well.
West County, the wealthier area of St Louis, was not as hard hit by this storm. As a matter of fact the further west one went the less damage there was and that was just because that's how the storm tracked. Many areas of South St Louis County were hard hit as well. A former boss of mine lives in South St Louis County and she just got power back late Saturday evening.
Storms like this only expose how vulnerable the infrastructure of the US is as well as how poorly it has been maintained.
http://ksdk.com/news/news_article.aspx?storyid=100849Sharpton Voices Concern Over Lack Of Power Restoration, Asks Ameren To Lower Rates By Ten Percent
Sharpton supporters held a rally outside Ameren headquarters on Chouteau asking that all power be restored. Sharpton voiced his concern over reports that there hasn't been equal response to restoring service, particularly in working class neighborhoods. His biggest request was for the company to roll back prices by ten percent for all customers. He's also asking Ameren not to seek any rate increases.
"What protection do the citizens have if you do not have a preparedness strategy in place and who ought to pay for the tab for your lack of preparedness? You should. So the right thing, the humane thing to do in this situation is for AmerenUE to say we will not only take off any hike in terms of services (but) we will give a rollback as a gesture to help people repair the damages they suffered," said Sharpton.
"I've heard from several places since I've been here that the higher income, the more immediate the response," said Sharpton.
Sharpton did not schedule a meeting with Ameren, but did give the company a timetable to respond.