Let’s Put Kids First in 2006
Citizens for Missouri’s Children has
launched the
Kids First Campaign Web site!
Visit us at:
It is now more important than ever for people to get involved in their communities during the election cycle and especially on behalf of children. We need you to be a leader!
Visit www.kidsfirstcampaign.org and sign up as friend, activist or champion today! The more friends we can sign up on our site, the more influence we can have on behalf of kids with legislators, candidates and other government officials.
The goals of the Kids First Campaign goals are to educate voters and candidates on issues that affect children in our state and to encourage our elected officials to make kids their first priority.
Leadership Committees are already forming in targeted legislative districts. Visit our Web site to find out what’s happening in your area..
The Kids First Campaign is a non-partisan effort and does not endorse or oppose specific candidates, but rather works to convince all candidates of the critical need to support children's health, education and safety.
For more information, contact Emily Smith at emily@mokids.org or call Campaign Headquarters at 573/634.4324 today!