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graphixtech (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Aug-23-06 01:42 AM Original message |
Science Applied to the WTC Collapses– SEPT. 2 Jim Hoffman in KC |
Edited on Wed Aug-23-06 01:47 AM by graphixtech
From: 9-11 Research Media Coordinator
Contact: jhoyer@digitalstyledesigns.com KC’S UPTOWN THEATER Hosts Noted Research Scientist and Author Science Applied To The World Trade Center CollapsesKansas City, MO -- 22 August 2006 -- Nearing the 5th anniversary of the horrific attacks on America, an acclaimed research scientist and 9/11 author is coming to the Kansas City area to present Science Applied to the World Trade Center Collapses. On September 2, independent researcher Jim Hoffman will discuss the official investigations of 9/11, including The Official 9-11 Commission Report, NIST and FEMA Reports, with specific focus on physical evidence issues. Hoffman is a research scientist, software engineer, mathematician and inventor; creator of websites 911Research.com, WTC7.net, 911Review.com, and co-author of Waking Up from Our Nightmare. Invitations to Science Applied to The World Trade Center Collapses are also being formally extended to citizen’s representatives and supporters of the official 9/11 investigations. A recent Scripps Howard national poll concluded that one in three Americans now suspect 9/11 government conspiracy. http://www.scrippsnews.com/911poll Wikipedia.org page with information and links on Jim Hoffman: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Hoffman Thanks to the prestigous Uptown Theater, Kansas City has a unique opportunity to see a noted independent 9/11 author as well as to gently challenge and ask questions regarding this critical national issue and Hoffman’s own extensive research analysis and conclusions. THE UPTOWN THEATER 3700 Broadway, Kansas City Saturday September 2: 1:00-2:30 pm AND 7-9 pm MAP: http://maps.yahoo.com/py/maps.py?Pyt=Tmap&ed=RIbWM.p_0TrD_VzsKnsnZfR2UabKpZtjrIGVZyMFvcwbMre83dHGcB6k&csz=Kansas+City+MO&country=us http://911research.wtc7.net/index.html The Hidden History of Building 7 http://www.wtc7.net/ |
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graphixtech (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Thu Aug-24-06 07:19 PM Response to Original message |
1. Open Letter to KC Leaders & Journalists |
Working links at hosting page:
http://www.digitalstyledesigns.com/pages/lettter.htm Open Letter to Kansas City Area Leaders and Journalists: Some of you may be familiar with my work through a variety of previous volunteer photography, videography, graphic design and organizing contributions to further worthy causes. My local activist photographs have been published in the Pitch, Dos Mundos, abcnews.com, Catholic Key, eKC, and on AFSC.org. On September 2, Kansas City's UPTOWN Theater will be presenting independent researcher Jim Hoffman to discuss the official investigations of 9/11 and SCIENCE APPLIED to the WTC Collapses. Jin Hoffman is a research scientist, mathematician, author and inventor. Hoffman's work has been featured in articles in Science News, Scientific American, and Nature, and co-authored papers in Science and Macromolecules. The creator of websites 911Review.com, Science911.org, 911Research.com, WTC7.net, and co-author of Waking Up from Our Nightmare, Hoffman is now available for interviews regarding upcoming appearances in the Kansas City area (call 816-524-3213). Wikipedia on Jim Hoffman 9-11 Research critically examines the official government explanation of the attack and concludes that many of its key assertions are impossible. As an example of 9-11 Research's scientific analysis, please see Jim Hoffman's acclaimed review of the official NIST 9-11 Report. http://911research.wtc7.net/essays/nist/index_0.98.html Jim Hoffman's work is also cited repeatedly by popular authors such as Professor David Ray Griffin and physicist Steven E. Jones. Hoffman's most popular website, 9-11 Research, is averaging 14,371 visitors daily in August. A recent Michael Woolsey radio show interview with Hoffman sheds light on current discussions. Americans are growing increasingly suspicious about the offical story of the 9/11 attacks. A recent Scripps Howard national poll concluded that one in three Americans now suspect 9-11 government conspiracy. Similar to the subtle and continual pro-war bias, the U.S. Government's official story of 9-11 is parroted daily through America's corporate press. As we near the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, a speaker who presents independent and credible analysis related to the deaths of 2,980 innocent americans is worthy of citizen's objective patriotic attention. I urge you to share this event information and allow your readers or listeners their decision whether to attend this educational event and to draw their own informed conclusions about the physical collapse of the WTC towers. Sincerely, Jan L. Hoyer 9-11 Research Media Coordinator NEWS RELEASE 9-11 Research Media Coordinator FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jan L. Hoyer Phone: 816-524-3213 Email: jhoyer@graphicswithstyle.com Lee’s Summit, MO 64081 KC’S UPTOWN Theater Boldly Hosts Noted Research Scientist and Author: “SCIENCE APPLIED To The World Trade Center Collapses” Kansas City, MO -- 22 August 2006 -- Nearing the 5th anniversary of the horrific attacks on America, an acclaimed research scientist and 9-11 author is coming to the Kansas City area to present Science Applied to the World Trade Center Collapse. On September 2, independent researcher Jim Hoffman will discuss the official investigations of 9/11, including The Official 9-11 Commission Report, NIST and FEMA Reports, with specific focus on physical evidence issues. Hoffman is a research scientist, software engineer, mathematician and inventor. The creator of websites Science911.org, 911Research.com, WTC7.net, 911Review.com, and co-author of Waking Up from Our Nightmare, Hoffman is now available for interviews regarding upcoming appearances in the Kansas City area. 9-11 Research critically examines the official government explanation of the attack and concludes that many of its key assertions are impossible. A recent Scripps Howard national poll concluded that one in three Americans now suspect 9-11 government conspiracy. http://www.scrippsnews.com/911poll Invitations to Science Applied to The World Trade Center Collapsse are also being formally extended to citizen’s representatives and sup- porters of the official 9/11 investigations. Thanks to the prestigious Uptown Theater, Kansas City has a unique opportunity to see a noted independent 9-11 author as well as to gently challenge and ask questions regarding this critical national issue and Hoffman’s own extensive research analysis and conclusions. THE UPTOWN THEATER 3700 Broadway, Kansas City Saturday September 2: 1:00-2:30 pm AND 7-9 pm Donation of $8.00 at door (no one will be turned away for lack of funds) -end- |
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graphixtech (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Tue Aug-29-06 02:34 AM Response to Reply #1 |
5. Invitation Challenge to KC Area Structural Engineers, Physicists, and Poli |
Formal Invitation Challenge to KC Area Structural Engineers, Physicists, and Political Science Professors: http://www.digitalstyledesigns.com/pages/lettertoscience.htm As America approaches the fifth anniversary of the horrific September 11th attacks, the Kansas City area science, engineering and political science communities have both a unique opportunity and a civic responsibility to learn more about the final NIST Report on the Collapses of the World Trade Center Towers. On September 2, Kansas City's Uptown Theater will be presenting Science Applied to the WTC Collapses by independent research scientist Jim Hoffman. This event will examine the official explanations of the collapses of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7, with special attention to the NIST Final Report on the collapses of the World Trade Center Towers. It will then examine the physical characteristics of the buildings' destruction, and will evaluate the demolition hypothesis using inductive and deductive methods. Jim Hoffman is a research scientist, mathematician, software engineer, author and inventor. Hoffman has developed new algorithms and applications in computational geometry used in both pure mathematics and polymer chemistry. His work in applying scientific visualization to minimal surface geometry was instrumental in the discovery of the first new examples of complete, finite, embedded minimal surfaces in over two hundred years. Working with a team of polymer scientists at the Massachusetts Institute for Technology, Hoffman discovered new three-dimensional morphologies for modeling block co-polymers, and co-authored papers in Science and Macromolecules. Hoffman has also dabbled in combustion engineering, co-authoring a patent for an internal combustion engine with improved thermal efficiency (US Patent #4,584,972). Hoffman has created computer simulations to facilitate the development of this and other mechanical engineering inventions. Wikipedia with links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Hoffman There appears to be at least some disagreeement about specific aspects of the NIST Report within the Structural Engineering Community itself. The NIST World Trade Center Investigation: How the Recommendations Çould Hurt Structural Engineering http://www.ncsea.com/MagnussonWebinar.htm First as American citizens, then as leaders within related scientific and political professions, this formal invitation and challenge is a serious appeal to genuine patriotism, an appreciation of the history of the United States Constitution, and of the sacrifices made by previous leaders to lead this great country through its most turbulent periods. As many are painfully aware, despite the wishes of groups such as clergy and Peaceful Tomorrows, the official response to "bin Laden's attacks" cast our nation into war, curtailed civil liberties, systematized racism towards Arabs and Muslims, and sent America spiraling into a permanent war economy. Due to growing public awareness of a pattern of official deception, Americans are increasingly suspicious about the official story of the 9/11 attacks. A recent Scripps Howard national poll concluded that one in three Americans now suspect 9-11 government conspiracy. Jim Hoffman's work is cited repeatedly by respected 9/11 authors such as Professor David Ray Griffin and physicist Steven E. Jones. Hoffman is referred to by many researchers as having the most credible independent analysis of the WTC collapses. As evidence of massive growing public interest in the scientific issues surrounding the events of 9-11, Hoffman's most popular website, 9-11 Research, is currently averaging more than 14,000 daily visitors. At the Science Applied to the WTC Collapses event, Hoffman's scientific and common sense approach will largly be concentrated on the physical issues involved in the WTC towers' collapses. This formal invitation and challenge to Science Applied to the WTC Collapses is an opportunity to publicly debate or ask specific questions of Mr. Hoffman directly. There are currently two radio shows lined up with Mr. Hoffman, and other interviews are being scheduled. Additionally, due to the educational national importance of the subject matter, one might suggest that there is a civic responsibility to invite young people, student groups or community citizen's group to see this debate. Our goal is for all Kansas Citian's to attend this event. As the anniversary of the horrific September 11th attacks draws near, it is our belief that no matter individuals' differing and diverse opinions, a speaker who presents independent and credible analysis related to the deaths of 2,980 of our fellow American citizens is a a rarity worthy of serious attention. THE UPTOWN THEATER 3700 Broadway, Kansas City (Map) Saturday September 2: 1:00-2:30 pm AND 7-9 pm Donation of $8.00 (no one will be turned away for lack of funds) Additional information and resources for the event: Science Applied To The World Trade Center Collapses Sincerely, Jan L. Hoyer 9-11 Research Media Coordinator 816-524-3213 EVENT DESCRIPTION: A slide presentation will examine the official explanation of the collapses of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7, with special attention to NIST's recent report. It will then examine the physical characteristics of the buildings' destruction, and will evaluate the demolition hypothesis using inductive and deductive methods. There will be a moderated Q&A session. (Uptown Theater 816-753-8665 3700 Broadway, Kansas City–Map) Jim Hoffman's Examination of the NIST Final Report of the National Construction Safety Team on the Collapses of the World Trade Center Towers: NIST's 3-Year $20,000,000 Cover-Up of the Crime of the Century http://911research.wtc7.net/essays/nist/index_0.98.html Hoffman quotes on the NIST Report: "On June 23, 2005 the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) published the draft of its 'Final Report of the National Construction Safety Team on the Collapses of the World Trade Center Towers', and in September it released its Final Report). This Report and a separate one on the case of WTC 7 represent the culmination of NIST's three-year investigation of the collapses of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers, funded with an initial budget of $16 million and subsequent appropriations from taxpayers' money." "NIST's investigation is often cited as proving the official theory that the plane crashes and fires caused the collapses. Yet the Report does not explain why or how the buildings totally collapsed, despite the lack of a single historical precedent for a steel-framed skyscraper totally collapsing for any reason other than controlled demolition." "The Report mentions "progressive collapse" 16 times, mostly in sections describing recommendations. It defines progressive collapse as when "a building or portion of a building collapses due to disproportionate spread of an initial local failure" but does not mention how rare the phenomenon is or that there are no examples of total progressive collapse of steel-framed buildings outside of 9/11/01." On the rooftop rescue issue: "Apparently, any structural component estimated to have been damaged to any degree was removed from the model -- as if it contributed nothing to the structure. In other words, if NIST's crash simulation predicted that a column had lost 10% of its load-bearing capacity, it was treated as if it had lost 100% of its capacity." Hoffman on the NIST Report lack of sourcing: "The Report does not contain footnotes. It is filled with claims, the basis for which the reader can only guess. It leaves the public with no way to compare its conclusions with the evidence on which it was purportedly based." Conclusion: "Assuming the premise of the official explanation, the total collapses of the Twin Towers and Building 7 were the largest, most unexpected, and least understood failures of engineered steel structures in the history of the world. NIST's Report, like FEMA's 2002 report, presents the appearance of explaining the collapses of the Twin Towers, but in reality it doesn't explain them at all. Flatly asserting that "global collapse" inevitably follows "collapse initiation," the Report implies that the only issue worthy of study is how the jet impacts and fires led to collapse initiation -- an issue to which it devotes well over one hundred pages. Thus, the Report makes two fundamental claims, the first explicit and the second implicit: * The impact damage and fires caused the tops of the Towers to lean and then begin to fall (collapse initiation). * Once initiated, the collapses proceeded to total collapses. (Source article: NIST's 3-Year $20,000,000 Cover-Up of the Crime of the Century) http://911research.wtc7.net/essays/nist/index_0.98.html Jim Hoffman websites: 911Research.com WTC7.net/ 911review.com/ Science911.org Further information about event and publicity resources: http://www.digitalstyledesigns.com/pages/event.htm |
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graphixtech (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Sun Aug-27-06 06:58 PM Response to Original message |
2. Appeal to KC Area Leaders and Friends |
August 27, 2006
Dear KC Area Activists and Friends, This is an urgent plea for your assistance. We have less than a week before the Uptown Theater appearance of Jim Hoffman on the Science Applied to the WTC Collapses event. A four person, event organizing team is in need of a few additional people and would greatly appreciate your help. If there were time, I would be making personal phone calls and emails to each of you, but this is not the case. There will be a meeting this Tuesday night, August 29 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. to formulate a last minute outreach push and request volunteers for crucial duties. Just a bit of your time could make a big difference. Please help us get the announcement below out to your associates and contact lists. Also, please announce this important event at any meetings you may be attending. If you are able to, please join us for a meeting this Tuesday at 7 pm. (address below). Even if you are unable to attend this organizing meeting, "please" share the information below as quickly and as far and as wide as you can. Announcement to get out: Acclaimed 9/11 Researcher, Author, to Appear at KC'S Uptown Theater, Sat. Sept. 2: 1 p.m. AND 7:00 p.m. Admission: $8.00 donation (no one will be turned away for lack of funds). With the anniversary of September 11th rapidly approaching, an author and acclaimed scientist promises to shed light on a different perspective regarding the physical evidence and investigations into the WTC tower's collapse. Kansas City has a very unique opportunity to hear a researcher who is widely referred to as the best independent 9-11 research analyst present his independent analysis of the WTC tower's collapse and provide Q&A discussion to the audience. Powerful corporate media mechanisms to remind Americans of our shock, fear and outrage will be on full gear as we approach the anniversary. As many are painfully aware, despite the wishes of groups such as clergy and Peaceful Tomorrows, the official response to "bin Laden's attacks" cast our nation into war, curtailed civil liberties, systemized racism towards Arabs and Muslims, and sent us spiraling into a permanent war economy. Our goal would be for all Kansas Citian's to attend Saturday's event, to challenge this science based 9/11 skeptic, or to learn more from him. No matter our own individual and diverse opinions, a speaker who presents independent and credible research related to the deaths of 2,980 fellow American citizens is worthy of consideration. This event is geared towards those specifically interested in the physical issues involved in the tower's collapses, a significant and essentially untapped audience. Hoffman's work is cited repeatedly by popular authors such as Professor David Ray Griffin and physicist Steven E. Jones. Hoffman's most visited website, 9-11 Research, is averaging 14,371 visitors daily in August. Hoffman is a research scientist, mathematician, author and inventor. His work has been featured in articles in Science News, Scientific American, and Nature, and he has co-authored papers in Science and Macromolecules. The creator of websites 911Review.com, Science911.org, 911Research.com, WTC7.net, and co-author of Waking Up from Our Nightmare, Wikipedia on Jim Hoffman. Volunteers who receive this email and lend a hand will be able to meet Jim Hoffman personally and receive free admission. There will be two free tickets to the 9/8 and 9/9 Sherwood Fundraiser at BB's Blues & BBQ. Healthy refreshments will be available. Volunteers needed include: * Outreach assistance with local media outlets, associations and personal networks; driver; handout copy assistant (reimbursed); video and photography assistant; Saturday event helpers; tabling assitance. Someone is also needed to help invite area progressive groups to see if they are interested in tabling. Whether you are able to contact media outlets or simply forward emails to your personal lists, any and all publicity help is welcome for Saturday's event! Publicity resources, flyers, and more information are available here: http://www.digitalstyledesigns.com/pages/event.htm If you are unable to make it, please share the word! Hope to see you on Tuesday! Sincerely, Jan Hoyer 9-11 Research Media Coordinator 816-517-5271 (cell) THE MEETING: When: Tuesday, 8/29, 7 pm. Where: Northwest corner of 101st Terr. & Roe (OP) 10100 Roe Avenue (Telephone 913-648-2256) Jim Hoffman sites: http://wtc7.net/ http://911review.com/ http://911research.wtc7.net/ http://science911.org/index.html "Perhaps the best information that we now have about the collapses of the towers comes from independent researchers–notably Jim Hoffman...In the burgeoning 9/11 truth movement, Hoffman is widely considered to be the leading analyst on the subject." –Jim Marrs, author of Inside Job |
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petgoat (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Sun Aug-27-06 07:48 PM Response to Reply #2 |
3. I'm Glad to See You Posting This in the MO Forum |
Maybe after, somebody'd like to set up a followup screening of 911PressForTruth?
Jim's event would be a good place to flier for it. http://www.911pressfortruth.com/ Best wishes for a wildly successful showing! |
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graphixtech (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Sun Aug-27-06 09:14 PM Response to Reply #3 |
4. Thanks petgoat! Press for Truth is Being Screened in KC |
Edited on Sun Aug-27-06 09:48 PM by graphixtech
Press for Truth is being screened on September 11th also
at the Uptown Theater. Having worked with Kyle for a time, I really look forward to seeing it. |
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graphixtech (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Thu Aug-31-06 09:45 AM Response to Original message |
6. update details |
UPTOWN Theater Hosts Science Applied to National Issue!
SCIENCE APPLIED TO THE WTC COLLAPSES 9/11 Researcher Jim Hoffman Speaking to Kansas City Saturday Sept. 2, at The Uptown Theater, 3700 Broadway, Kansas City Times: 1:00-2:30 AND 7-9 PM, Admission $8.00 (two differing presentations) Information, flyers and publicity resources can be found here: http://www.digitalstyledesigns.com/pages/event.htm On September 2, Kansas City's Uptown Theater is proud to be presenting Science Applied to the WTC Collapses by independent research scientist Jim Hoffman. This event will examine the official explanations of the collapses of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7, with special attention to the NIST Final Report on the collapses of the World Trade Center Towers. There will be a moderated Q&A period. Jim Hoffman is a research scientist, mathematician, author and inventor. Hoffman's work has been featured in articles in Science News, Scientific American, and Nature, and he has co-authored papers in Science and Macromolecules. Hoffman's work in applying scientific visualization to minimal surface geometry was instrumental in the discovery of the first new examples of complete, finite, embedded minimal surfaces in over two hundred years. Hofffman is the creator of websites 911Review.com, Science911.org, 911Research.com, WTC7.net, and co-author of Waking Up from Our Nightmare. Hoffman's work is cited repeatedly by respected 9/11 authors such as Professor David Ray Griffin and physicist Steven E. Jones. Hoffman is referred to by some leaders as specifically having the most credible independent analysis of the three WTC building collapses on 9/11. As evidence of massive growing public interest in the scientific issues surrounding the events of 9/11, Hoffman's most popular website, 9-11 Research, is currently averaging more than 14,000 daily visitors. At the Science Applied to the WTC Collapses event, Hoffman's scientific and common sense approach will largly be concentrated on the physical issues involved in the WTC towers' collapses. Our goal is for all Kansas Citian's to attend this event. As the anniversary of the horrific September 11th attacks draws near, it is our belief that a speaker who presents independent and credible analysis related to the deaths of 2,980 of our fellow American citizens is a a rarity worthy of serious attention. There will be tabling literature available from 911Truth.org, the Sierra Club, Democracy For the Heart of America and other groups. More information, flyers and publicity materials: http://www.digitalstyledesigns.com/pages/event.htm For Hoffman pre-event interviews or further information, contact 9-11 Research Media Coordinator Jan Hoyer at jhoyer@graphicswithstyle.com |
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graphixtech (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Sep-06-06 02:48 PM Response to Original message |
7. New HOFFMAN Interview on KKFI in Kansas City |
Three brief video parts of Jim Hoffman of 911Research.com,
Sept. 2 interview by Sharon Lockhart of KKFI radio. http://www.digitalstyledesigns.com/pages/event.htm New NIST WTC FAQ Response by Jim Hoffman http://911research.wtc7.net/reviews/nist/WTC_FAQ_reply.html |
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