After seeing some of the latest news about the Missouri Senate race (it's close, but Talent may be edging up), and knowing that Bush is coming to KC next week to raise even more money for Talent, I had an idea. While I am certainly planning to protest Bush on foot, that will accomplish nothing to hurt Talent's huge cash advantage in this race.
So I'm thinking we should target next Friday, the day of Bush's appearance, as a day to contribute to Claire. If enough people want to make even a symbolic protest (using cash) against Bush and Talent, it could really help out Claire.
And people could participate from everywhere, not just locally. I'm thinking to post on DU, write a diary for DailyKos, and pass the idea along to other bloggers in hopes of increasing netroots participation. This could also be suggested to groups like DFA and ProVote. Of course, anyone can contribute at any time (I just did today), but countering Bush and Talent would be the fun part of targeting Sept. 8.
Is this a good idea or am I out of my mind? Do you have any suggestions? Here's a draft of what I would post:
Friday, September 8: Contribute to Claire!
George W. Bush is coming to Kansas City to do a fundraiser for his lackey, Missouri Senator Jim Talent. Admission? Just $1000 per person. While many local residents plan to hit the streets to protest Bush, there's more we can do:
contribute to Claire.
Talent already has a huge cash advantage that we need to overcome. As of 7/19/06, Talent had $6.9 million on hand, compared to Claire's $2.7 million. (Source: the Center for Responsive Politics and
Few of us have $1000 to chip in, but most of us can afford to move the decimal point over for a $10 contribution--and if you can give more, great! This can be both a symbolic protest against Bush and Talent
and a way to boost Claire's coffers for the final months of the campaign.
A McCaskill win could give the Senate to the Democrats, and we all know how much that would change things in Washington. So on Sept. 8, help us bust the Bush-Talent machine and raise some cash for Claire.