George W. Bush (the Decider himself!) is coming to Kansas City on 9/8 to do a fundraiser for his lackey, Missouri Senator Jim Talent. Admission? Just $1000 per person!Talent already has millions more than his Democratic opponent, Claire McCaskill. But Bush is going to help raise more money anyway.
Let’s make sure Bush raises money for Claire McCaskill, too. Even $10 can help. I'll be joining the crowd at the protest, but when I realized that a sign and a slogan wouldn't stop those $1000 checks from going to Jim Talent, I knew there had to be another way to protest. That's why I created this totally grassroots ActBlue page as a counter-fundraiser. And I would LOVE to raise a substantial amount.
Please help out--even $5 or $10 would be a great symbolic protest.
If you don't live here or can't make it to the protest, you can show your solidarity this way. Remember, this could be the race that tips the Senate to the Democrats. Talent has millions more than McCaskill and has already outspent her 3-to-1, but the race is still essentially tied. WE CAN WIN THIS.
Thanks! And please pass the word along to anyone who might help out.
(Also posted in
General Discussion.)