There is a current thread in "Greatest Threads" which has some things pertinent to Missouri. Items in its initial post carries ideas we to think about, or risking losing much more in Missouri than we know! The URL is below. http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x448679#448716When I found this thread at Election Reform, one item stood out. I then posted something, regarding Missouri, that has really bothered me. It contributed to a mini-firestorm on the original thread. Please find it posted below. "You have above:
The bigger scandal is that pushers of Instant Runoff Voting have gotten Dems to feel obligated to this convuluted form of voting that makes election audits ever more impossible and increases the likelihood of ballot programming errors. Errors that will be hard to unravel. IRV proponents are NOT advocating for hand counted paper ballots, but are trying to force states to purchase voting MACHINES that can be programmed to (pretend) count ballots cast this way.
There is a scandal here in Missouri I will post later this week, but I address part of it now.
The only reason for IRV is the fact that it might, just might, give an election to a candidate of a minor party once in a while (think Libertarian, Green, Constitutionalist, or whatever). They believe they get legitimacy that way.
It's BS.
We are not a nation with a Parliamentary system. So, that locks out the minor parties. Too bad.
When this nation has truly needed change, it has gotten it. It has come at the expense of fracturing the major parties, but, that is the price we paid to win our own Civil War. The Whigs went out of existence and a new breed of "Republican" came in with Lincoln.
Likewise, when the Robber Barons of the early 1900s took everyone's money, the Progressives formed and Teddy Roosevelt (a Republican president) bolted his party. The Progressives led us, progressively, through that hard period until the Depression hit and FDR turned the Democrats into what we are supposed to be today (instead GOP-lite).
If these people (Greens, Libertarians, etc.) can't win on their platforms, and build a party from the bottom up, they should try to amend the Constitution to make America a Parliamentary country... or give it up.
But, instead, they are resorting to Rovian trickery and deceit.
The Missouri story is this.
Immediately after the theft of the 2004 elections by the GOP, Missouri was the best positioned state (several factors contributing to this) to change its Constitution to mandate HCPB by way of an Initiative Petition. As soon as the Green Party caught wind, they sent "ambassadors" who supported the change, and many even signed informal petitions to our SoS for HCPB.
When this began to get some steam up, a Green "Ambassador" called for a private meeting and (after suggesting things like "negotiation" with EDs, using Open Source software, creating "honest machines", and other options) he asked that the Initiative Petition for HCPB not be pursued further.
For reasons unrelated to the Greens, the effort was put aside.
But, as we were to find out in 2006, the Greens had all the while been planning to run, and collecting signatures to put candidates on the ballot, under the name of "The Progressive Party".
Talk about a False Flag operation!! The Bushkovites have nothing on these people!
As much as I may agree with most of political positions of the Greens, I lose all respect for them appropriating the name proud name and illustrious past of the "Progressive Party".
And we Democrats who cried "Foul" when the Green Party cost us the Presidency in 2000, by running Ralph Nader, should be screaming now.
If Nader's 2000 run should be labeled "Foul", the running of candidates in Missouri under the name Progressive should be labeled "Criminal!"
Is the Green Party so ashamed of itself, and its past lackluster performances, that it will not even run candidates under its own banner?