Edited on Fri Sep-15-06 10:08 AM by newportdadde
The latest info I've seen has Talent and McCaskill polling even. I cannot believe in a state were our Governor polls so horrible and Bush polls so low that Talent has raised himself so much in the polls. Perhaps those ads with Jim hanging out with the 'common folk' is working.
I'm not sure why its happening, maybe because rural AM radio is dominated by RW talk radio. If your on a farm like I grew up on, and my father still farms, its either Rush or turn the radio off. Maybe its people moving so much for jobs they look to church for a sense of community and then fall in line.
Whatever the reason I think our state is shifting more and more to the right. We had been for decades the compass of the country swapping back and forth between red and blue as the tides changed. I was expecting solid move back to the left. I find myself now very much confused.
Another example - Matt Bartle a representative in the KC area. I actually picked up a RW ballot to vote against this guy in the primaries for a more moderate Republican. Matt is big time into telling a woman what do with her body, doesn't like stem cell research and has the great idea to put toll roads on I-70. Matt won with 2/3rds of the vote against a guy who fought a pretty tough campaign.
In 2004 this state adamantly voted against same-sex marriage something that doesn't effect any of them but low and behold they turned out to the tune of what 80% to pass the ban. In the same breath the reelected an idiot. I still remember some lady in Warsaw going on about how Bush would protect us from Terror... WARSAW.. freaking WARSAW. You can guarantee if Warsaw gets attacked then the rest of the country is ashes.
So here we are again, 2006, gas down 50 cents a gallon and falling. The stem cell ballot up for vote(Look out they will harvest your children!) and we have Talent polling even and nice commercials airing how its "US vs Them" and Liberals want to cut and run and didn't do anything after the WTC bombing etc.
This is a watershed moment for our state.. will we be smart enough to vote out a Bush appeaser who does nothing to help us? My wife and I are still going to vote in Nov but at this time I feel a Talent win is most likely. I think we will lurch one step further to the right and closer to our neighbors on the left of the state line.
I predict in 5 years we will have our ow so fun "Creationism/Intelligent Design" debacle, you heard it hear first. We are becoming Kansas lets just hope we maintain our ability to drive(jk Kansas I had to do it).