Lord knows, it’s time to draw a curtain of charity on the increasingly disgusting drama that is the campaign for the U.S. Senate between incumbent Republican Jim Talent and challenger Democrat Claire McCaskill.
I herewith offer a ringing endorsement of McCaskill, the challenger. If others among you will reach a conclusion in this race, any conclusion, you can spare yourselves the debilitating experience of absorbing a moment more of this negative campaign.
In my view, neither candidate deserves to suffer from today’s style of campaigning. Some of this advertising is paid for and placed by political parties and committees with disclaimers stating the candidate is not responsible, but that thin veil of propriety is cellophane. And often, particularly in Talent’s campaign, the candidate himself blithely says he approves the nasty message, as if it had merely been a happy birthday wish and he has a smile on his face...
Sen. Talent has been a willing conspirator in all the well-known errors of this administration. In particular, in Missouri this year his opposition to the stem cell initiative stands out. Simply put, if a reasonable alternative can be found, it’s time for the incumbent to go.
Missourians have such an option. Claire McCaskill has an excellent record of public service as a prosecuting attorney in Jackson County, as a Missouri legislator and as state auditor. She is smart and tough and conservative on issues that count and more liberal where she should be. She is a decisive moderate who relates well to constituents but has the conviction of her own mind. She is a prosecutor who favors the death penalty. She will defend our national security but not abandon civil liberties in the process.