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Daily Kos: Time to focus on Missouri (MO-Sen)

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chat_noir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-23-06 07:32 AM
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Daily Kos: Time to focus on Missouri (MO-Sen)
by FutureDemocrats

Sun Oct 22, 2006 at 10:09:54 AM PDT

For the first time in twelve years, the democrats have a true shot at taking back the United States Senate. Many key competitive races have been popping up all over the country and the democrats look poised to take many of those important seats. The opportunity to take out Santorum in PA, DeWine in OH, Chafee in RI, Burns in MT and TALENT in MO is key to taking back the upper chamber of congress. The first four mentioned look quite positive for the democrats to win but the last one may need some work.The Republican Party in Missouri is well established and well funded making it even harder for a democrat to win in this key battleground state. Jim Talent, the GOP incumbent is not a strong candidate, every statewide race he has run he has either won or lost by a couple of points which will be true this year also. It is a toss-up.

FutureDemocrats's diary :: ::

This would be a good time to introduce you to our candidate running in Missouri, Claire McCaskill. A great democrat, McCaskill was a tough former prosecutor and state auditor and has led the fight for stem-cells nationwide. She has so much on her side, her moderacy on many key issues and the tide against the GOP this year. However, Talent has a lot on his side also, a huge voter contact operation, a solid campaign team and the power of incumbency. Also, I was just examining the financial reports and discovered that Talent has a 4 MILLION DOLLAR advantage over McCaskill in this race. That money will be used in the extremely important final weeks to advertise, attack and defend. Talent will be able to define his positions as well as McCaskill's positions which may not be true. Time is running out and I urge every person to reach into their wallet one last time and give McCaskill ten more dollars to help fight the GOP attack during the final weeks. If everyone reading this diary just gives the ten more dollars, she will be able to go back on the air and fight right back. In fact, she has just put out a new television ad starring Michael J. Fox and stressing the importance of stem-cells. (I don't know how to link to it sorry, its available through youtube, any help?)

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chat_noir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-23-06 07:34 AM
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1. Daily Kos: The Senate Race We Need to Be Talking About: MO-Sen
by Sam Spencer for County Commissioner

Sat Oct 21, 2006 at 09:30:36 PM PDT

Many people at DailyKos know me as a youth candidate, while others know me as a strong supporter of Larry Kissell (NC-08). Sure, I spent most of my day today canvassing for Kissell, and I've lived in North Carolina for 14 years. My dad's father went to college (and raised a family) in the town where I live. I have deep roots here.

But I was born in Saint Louis. My mom's father used to take me to Gus's Pretzels next to the A-B Brewery before he dropped me off at Cardinals games. My grandmother would take me to Ted Drewes even though it was hard for her to afford on her accountant's salary. St. Louis, MO is my home.

Right now I live outside of Charlotte, NC, which is booming. Quite the opposite of St. Louis these days. As someone who's gone to well over a hundred games at Busch Stadium, I know that Missouri is suffering, and people look for hope in reliable places. I was elated that my Cardinals won tonight, but I'm not going to be truly happy until Claire McCaskill wins and we take back the Senate.

Sam Spencer for County Commissioner's diary :: ::
This race is neck and neck. I'm sure everyone's seen the ad. It's an absolutely devastating ad, and it's almost impossible to watch. But Claire needs the money so that everyone in Missouri will see it.

Earlier this year, I managed Bill Glass's congressional campaign, so I know how important stem cell research is. From the campaign's diary, part of an appeal I wrote in July:

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usregimechange Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-23-06 02:49 PM
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2. K and R
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proud2BlibKansan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-24-06 05:53 AM
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3. How great to see such coverage!
Go Claire!
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chat_noir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-24-06 09:32 AM
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4. not
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