Jack Abramoff knows he's going to prison. Now he's just wondering how to get the best deal for himself. He can read the polls as well as anyone and he sees the same Democratic sweep on the horizon that everyone else-- other than Bush, Rove and Cheney-- sees. Today's Washington Post, for example, is reporting that "Independent Voters Favor Democrats by 2 to 1." And if he's smart enough to be reading Christy at Firedoglake he's gotten to the real heart of the matter: besides the new WAPO/ABC poll, there are new polls from MSNBC, McLatchey and Mason-Dixon that all show the same thing, it's curtains for the villains in 2 weeks. Abramoff seems to feel his best shot for the immediate future does not lie with taking one for the (red) team.
All but calling him Chatty Kathy, U.S. News is reporting that he's been telling the FBI so much about the Republican congressmen (+ Katherine Harris) who he was bribing for the last 6 years that he now has his very own FBI desk. He's the ultimate rat and he can't spill enough about the Republicrooks who are not in prison yet. They're reporting that "he spends up to four hours a day detailing his shady business to agents eager to nail more congressmen in the scandal."
As I said before, there are a whole lot of GOP solons from low information districts who will be re-elected only to face almost immediate indictment and the same eventual fate as former GOP congressmen/current prison inmates Duke Cunningham and Bob Ney.
FBI insiders, or at least those with inside info from FBI employees familiar with the Abramoff case, are betting that almost instant indictments are looming for Alaska's Don Young, Florida's Tom Feeney, John Doolittle, Jerry Lewis, Duncan Hunter, Ken Calvert and Dirty Dick Pombo of the Golden State and Phil English and Don Sherwood of Pennsylvania, as well as for former GOP Crime Boss Tom DeLay. But it doesn't end there.
Apparently Abramoff has said enough about 3 U.S. Senators--Jim Talent (MO), Conrad Burns (MT) and John Ensign (NV)-- plus almost 20 other House members,
for files to have been opened on all of them. And some of those files are getting pretty fat.http://downwithtyranny.blogspot.com/2006/10/no-one-ever-said-abramoff-was-stupid.html