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Commentary by Jean Carnahan

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Mark_Pogue Donating Member (274 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-18-07 05:20 PM
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Commentary by Jean Carnahan
Forget the "I" Word
by Jean Carnahan
Lo, the flowers are a-bloom . . . the birds warble a cheery tune . . . and the sun bathes the land in the soft glow of summer.

But, alas, in cyberspace mischief is afoot. The scribbling class is sowing seditious thoughts hither and yon, some boldly employing the “I” word to call the Bushies to task. They recite the incompetency, deception, scandals, and lawlessness of this administration ad nauseam.

But despite the prodding of political pundits, bloggers, and the terminally disgruntled, Americans show little interest in throwing the rascals out. So far, nothing has shaken the nation to its core.

Even with the President’s ratings teetering at 28%, gas prices hovering at $3, and the casualties of war climbing daily, there is no marching in the streets with torches and pitchforks. We are a forbearing people.

Frankly, I’m opposed to impeachment--not that George W. Bush doesn’t deserve it, you understand. Bush is perhaps more deserving than any president in history. But just because he deserves it, must we, the people, endure it?

The impeachment of Bush now would be a lot like the ninety-some-year-old couple, having observed their 75th anniversary, deciding they just can’t stand each other any longer and filing for a divorce.

Most Americans plan to tough it out, hoping a Democratic Congress will, at least, diminish the harm Bush can do during the next 500 and some days.

Some analysts agree with many Democrats, that it is better to let Bush and the GOP unravel on their own. If you remember the Clinton impeachment, it was all consuming, with the hearings dominating the news for months.

And, besides, an extended and tedious impeachment process might even seem vengeful and give Republicans a sympathy boost in the polls.

Most Americans now realize what a perilous mistake we made in tolerating the Bush administration for so long. As a nation, impeachment might vent our spleen, but it will not save our hide.

Recently Democrats pulled their punches, deciding to give the president the time and money to continue the war with the flexibility he demanded.

With a Congress unable to overcome a Bush veto, it is Republicans of good conscience who must manacle their president to prevent him from doing further harm.

Democrats can only go so far. We need a bipartisan effort to deal with a runaway presidency.

For the moment, we don’t have that.
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freebrew Donating Member (478 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-12-07 03:46 PM
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1. With views like that....
maybe that's why you lost to Jim Talent. The Constitution demands impeachment for 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors'it doesn't say there's an option. So, basically, by not impeaching * and his minions, congress is not honoring nor upholding the Constitution of the US. The provision was put there precisely for the administration we are enduring now.
The Publicans are traitors and the enabling Dems are just as bad.
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jbm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-13-07 12:52 AM
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2. I tend to agree with her..
the impeachment process would take the focus off of everything else and consume the time, energy, and brainpower that needs to be directed towards somehow making things right again.

The Democrats are going to have to get us out of this mess. Even though revenge would be nice, impeachment would feel validating, and justice is always enticing, we just don't have time for it right now.

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proud2BlibKansan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-13-07 11:39 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. It's not about revenge
It's about holding bush and cheney accountable for impeachable offenses. If the Democrats continue to ignore (and tolerate) this criminal behavior, it will cost them dearly.

We need to find the time. Here are just a few reasons:

Every 10 minutes an innocent Iraqi dies.

Every 10 hours a US soldier dies.

Every 10 days, we spend over 2 billion dollars.
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freebrew Donating Member (478 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-26-07 02:57 PM
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4. They're dead in the water anyway.
Every bill they send to * gets vetoed. Every subpoena they issue gets ignored.
They can't even get perjury charges filled against the lying fredo moran.
I realize that is not totally their fault, they have too slim a majority.
A call for a special prosecutor would be a good start, maybe?
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