Dear Senator McCaskill,
I am very disturbed that you do not vote in a manner consistent with what your constituents and the people of America want. You have the power to stop funding the war in Iraq. You have the ability to gather support for impeachment, first Cheney and then Bush (together, if possible-and in the current Administration, there is ample reason to do so), yet you do not support this action. In January 2006, Americans favored impeachment, 52% to 43% against, according to
this poll.
The poll found that 52% agreed with the statement:
"If President Bush wiretapped American citizens without the approval of a judge, do you agree or disagree that Congress should consider holding him accountable through impeachment." As you are undoubtedly aware, it has been revealed that this is the
poll conducted by in July found that 54% of Americans favor impeaching Cheney, including 76% of Democrats (I believe that's what you campaigned as...I remember working for your campaign, and I usually don't work for Republicans).
<...>54% of American adults want the US House of Representatives to begin impeachment proceedings against Vice President Dick Cheney, including 76% of Democrats, 17% of Republicans, and 51% of Independents. The same poll found 46% of voters in favor of the same thing for President George W. Bush, including 69% of Democrats, 13% of Republicans, and 50% of independents. As for the war/occupation of Iraq,
reports that 69% of Americans disapprove of the way Bush is handling the war. 55% of Americans believe the Democrats in Congress can better handle the war, although 63% disapprove of Congressional Democrats' present handling of the situation in Iraq. Over and over again, the people of these United States, and this, your own state of Missouri, are telling you that we need you to stand up to the Bush Cabal.
Our nation cannot withstand further predations by Bush/Cheney, et al. We elected you, fought and sweated and worked for you, so that you could be our voice in Washington. It disturbs me greatly that you did not heed our call, and instead look only toward re-election, while further placating and pandering to those who are stealing our liberty, murdering our next generation, and lying about it. It is simply disgraceful. I implore you to stand up. We are counting on you. You must understand that you cannot and will not win by rolling over to Bush, regardless of the excuses you might tell yourself as you abdicate your duty to our nation, our Constitution, and your constituents. Impeach now. End the war now. One will surely lead naturally to the other if either is diligently pursued.