The Minutemen Civil Defense Corps, an anti-immigrant armed vigilantee group that patrols the U.S./Mexico border, is having their regional leadership conference in Kansas City on February 1st and 2nd.
Anti-racists and immigrant rights supporters from Kansas City and the surrounding areas are organizing to stop this meeting from happening!
The Uptown Theater will be hosting the first day of the Minutemen conference on February 1st, and we're calling on all people concerned with this conference to contact the Uptown and demand that they cancel their support for this event!
Starting today, Monday December 10th, and lasting all week, we're calling on everyone to call, fax, and e-mail the Uptown.. to literally drown them in condemnation and demands to cancel the meeting at their theater.
These actions literally will take ten minutes out of your day, but when combined with dozens and dozens of people taking the same action, we feel that these actions may ultimately force the Uptown to cancel the first day of the Minutemen's conference.
Phone calls: Phone: 816-753-8665 Starting today, call the Uptown everyday this week between noon and 1pm and 3-5pm (these times may be re-evaluated depending on the response from the Uptown). Call as often as you can... flood them with demands to shut this meeting down!
E-mails: uga@uptowntheater.com We're calling on people to e-mail the Uptown everyday this week until 15th, and to e-mail as often as possible, demanding they don't host the meeting.
Use different e-mail accounts, get friends to do so. Flood their inbox!
Faxes: Fax: 816-753-7643 Everyday this week, flood their fax machine with anti-minutemen faxes, or black pages, or whatever else.. Flood their faxes, tie up their lines...
This is just Phase 1 of this campaign... but don't wait for Phase 2. ACT RIGHT NOW!! Call, e-mail and fax the Uptown Theater... demand that they cancel the hosting of the Minutemen conference.
Some talking points to consider for contacting the Uptown: 1) The Minutemen Civil Defense Corps has well known ties to white supremacist organizations all across the country.
2) The local Minutemen chapter has been harrassing migrants at their places of employment, including migrants that are here with documentation.
3) The KC Minutemen specifically target Latinos and people of Middle Eastern descent in these actions.
4) The Uptown's image and business will suffer unless they cancel the meeting now!
5) The Uptown has a responsibility to not allow organizations with racist and xenophobic intents to rent it's space.
6) This has nothing to do with Free Speech. The Minutemen don't just talk, they act and incite people into actions that are violent and marginalize already marginalized sections of our population.