And If people would gain some self-respect and some gumption to get off their butts, at least 8 hours a day. Then maybe the welfare and medicaid dollars, could be utilized for their intended use. To give a Helping Hand to Families who have experienced hardships which include illness, resulting job loss, loss of family home,with no place to live. Tough, life changing events. These people only need or want a "helping hand,"from we the people,the Tax-payers, to get "Back on his Feet." That is what the this Whole Program was intended for, it was NOT intended to prop people up, whom choose not to work, because work is too hard! It's these people whom make the decision to live off the sweat and tears of others, who work for a living, those who rise early everyday, no matter how they feel, no matter what is going on in their personal life, because they have a Family that depend on them. Sometimes must work two jobs to make ends meet, but they will do what they need too.. They do this not for praise, not for awards, but just because their self-respect would not allow them to ask someone else, to take care of their families, pay all household expenses,car-payment and all those other bills that will come up including TUESDAY FAMILY NIGHT AT THE RED LOBSTER! And, Oh, please don't forget the annual Family Vacation to Florida, cause we never miss it, even if the Funds are depleted, Because "the powerful rich just don't give enough of their taxes to help the poor." So I think they should have to pay much higher Taxes than they are paying now! I need more welfare money, cause I have places to go, and people to see, cause I'm impotent. Rich People shouldn't mind because they already have everything they ever wanted. well It's About time I get something that I want. Maybe a few things. I am a mightily impotent people!