A review of the latest polls from SurveyUSA shows promising news in the midwest. First up, on the Missouri side - Kay Barnes - well-liked, former Kansas City Mayor and Democratic candidate for MO-06. SurveyUSA says:
Democrat Challenger Barnes Creeps-Up on Incumbent Republican Graves in MO6: In an election for United States House of Representatives from Missouri's 6th Congressional District today, 08/01/08, incumbent Republican Sam Graves edges Democrat Kay Barnes 48% to 44%, according to this SurveyUSA poll conducted exclusively for KCTV-TV Kansas City. Compared to an identical SurveyUSA poll released 10 weeks ago, Graves is flat, Barnes is up. Among men, Graves had led by 19, now leads by 23. Among women, the two had been tied; today, Barnes leads by 17 points -- a 40-point gender gap.
Great news! Barnes is pulling even and within striking distance of victory. Looks like Missourians are waking up to the fact that Sam Graves does not represent their best interests. All they need to do is wander down to the gas station or the grocery and look at the prices to see that Sam Graves and the Republican policies are a disaster. They feel it every day and with a strong push, Sam Graves is going to be feeling it in November when he gets his walking papers from Missouri voters. Stop by Kay's website to see how you can help show Graves the door.
Next up is Jay Nixon, Missouri's long time Attorney General. He was set to take on incumbent Matt Blunt, but Matt Blunt mysteriously announced he would not seek a second term - proclaiming he had accomplished all he set out to do. (Some people say that there is much more to this story) Instead, he'll face the winner of the Republican primary - either Sarah Steelman or Kenny Hulshof. SurveyUSA says:
MO Statehouse Still Leans To Democrat Takeaway, 3 Months to Vote ... But, Momentum with GOP:
In an election for Missouri Governor today, 08/01/08, 95 days to the vote, Democrat Jay Nixon defeats either of his likely Republican opponents, according to this SurveyUSA poll conducted exclusively for KCTV-TV in Kansas City and KSDK-TV in St. Louis. Today, Nixon, Missouri's Attorney General, defeats Republican Congressman Kenny Hulshof 48% to 42%; Nixon defeats Republican State Treasurer Sarah Steelman 50% to 41%. But, Compared to an identical SurveyUSA poll released ten weeks ago, Nixon has lost ground. Then, Nixon led Hulshof by 24 points and led Steelman by 25 points. Today, Nixon leads Hulshof by 6 points and Steelman by 9. Against either Republican, Nixon carries at least half of women and voters age 50+. Men and younger voters split their vote if Hulshof is the Republican nominee, and narrowly prefer Nixon in a race against Steelman. Against Hulshof, 15% of Republicans cross over to vote for Nixon; against Steelman, 20% of Republicans cross over. Should Missouri voters be required to produce a photo-ID when they vote? 64% of likely voters say "yes." Those who say "yes" favor each of the Republican candidates by 8 points; those who say "no" favor Nixon by 2 ½:1.