Edited on Fri Oct-31-08 08:11 AM by protect our future
This is a repost. In a few hours it will be the Sunday before election day. So watch out for the following Republican dirty trick.
************************************************************************ REPOST
Republicans performed a nasty little task on the Sunday before the '04 election. It was successful in rural areas, and they may try it again this year. Obama supporters should keep an eye out for this one.
Here's a letter printed in the November 4, 2004 Kansas City Star which explains what was done:
"As I left church Sunday, I was shocked to see a most inappropriate display of partisan politics inflicted upon our congregation. As I approached my vehicle, I noticed a flier stuck under the windshield wiper of my car and others in our church parking lot.
"Someone had surreptitiously placed partisan literature (Republican) on the window of each vehicle in our church parking lot. This was done without asking permission from our church, and with no notice to our church. The information in these fliers was biased and focused solely on wedge issues.
"Several people have questioned whether our church supported or authorized these fliers. We did not. Although political promotion is not illegal, this action is certainly not appropriate, no matter what political party is involved."
Rev. Robert A. Maffitt First United Methodist Church of Odessa
The fliers, of course, said scary things about John Kerry.
Now, if I lived in a rural area, I'd cruise around on Sunday before this year's election and see what might be placed on windshields while church is in session. And, knowing me, I'd go right into any church parking lot and remove any inflammatory fliers that I found.