From an urgent email to his constituents:
From: CongressmanCarnahan@address-verify.com Subject: Are You DTV Ready? Date: May 19, 2009 12:56:21 PM CDT To: stlsaxman
Dear stlsaxman,
On June 12, the St. Louis area and our nation will transition to digital television when television broadcasters will begin airing exclusively digital signals – and analog television sets that are not connected to a converter box, cable, or satellite will stop working.
You have little time left to prepare for this change so that you not only enjoy the benefits of digital television, but avoid losing your television service altogether. Families who receive their television signal over-the-air, using a traditional rooftop antenna or “rabbit ears,” will have to acquire a new “digital to analog” converter box to ensure that their television sets can display the new digital signals. Television sets connected to cable or satellite service should not require a new converter box.
A program has been set-up to help consumers defray the cost of converter boxes. Every household is eligible for two $40 coupons, each of which can be used towards the purchase of a converter box.
On my website, carnahan.house.gov, I have posted information on the steps Americans need to take to be ready for the digital television transition. Consumers can also call 1-888-DTV-2009 or visit dtv.gov to learn more. If you need assistance in getting a coupon or anything else please do not hesitate in contacting my staff at (314) 962-1523 or (636) 937-8039; they are there to assist you.
With the digital television transition some of the spectrum currently used by analog television stations will be freed up for advanced wireless service, while other channels have been set aside for public safety communications, a key recommendation of the 9-11 Commission. Digital television will also bring benefits to television viewers. Digital television will mean more, free, broadcast television channels, in addition to clearer images and enhanced sound quality.
It is important all households and families are properly informed and prepared to avoid confusion next month. Please share this email with your friends and family who might be affected.
June 12, 2009, will be a notable day. Together, we can ensure that it marks an important milestone in broadcasting history, not a day of nationwide confusion.
Russ Carnahan
Dear Congressman Carnahan,
Rather than worrying if your constituents will be able to watch television after June 12, a more pressing question for YOU to answer is-
"ARE YOU H.R. 676 READY?" Please- we don't NEED television... we need Health Care!. Everyone- no matter what economic status has health issues and need to see a doctor, yet don't because they can't afford insurance. People are staying at jobs they hate because if they lose that job they can't see a doctor anymore. Employers aren't hiring because they are expected to provide health insurance as part of the deal- if only for THAT reason we should have universal health care for all- the unemployment rate ALONE would plummet! You get me?
So, to Hell with television! I'm ready for H.R. 676! As your constituent I promise to support you all the way if you vote YES! On the other hand, if you vote against it you can expect that I and many others will do our best to see that you lose both your job AND your healthcare in the next election cycle.
Please do what is right and just,