Gov. Jay Nixon's approval rating increased by one percentage point in the month of September, with 51 percent of 600 adults surveyed approving of his job as governor, according to a new poll.
A Sept. 27-28 SurveyUSA poll found 38 percent of Missourians disapprove of the job Nixon is doing as governor. That rating is down from 41 percent in August, according to SurveyUSA.
For the first time in his 10-month tenure as governor, more males disapprove of his performance than approve. The SurveyUSA poll found 44 percent of men approved of Nixon while 46 percent did not.
Of the 600 adults polled, 52 percent were women, according to SurveyUSA, which conducted the poll for KCTV-TV in Kansas City.
Regionally, Nixon's highest disapproval rating came from adults in southwest Missouri, with 56 percent giving him low marks. Just 40 percent of southwest Missouri adults approve of Nixon's job as governor, according to the poll results. the poll he carried women by 56% and did the best in STL populous region 60-30.