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Happy Birthday Bess Wallace Truman, 125 years today!

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emad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-13-10 05:11 PM
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Happy Birthday Bess Wallace Truman, 125 years today!
Edited on Sat Feb-13-10 05:16 PM by emad
Born on this day in 1885 in Independence, Missouri, Bess was America's First Lady from April 12, 1945 – January 20, 1953.

A wonderful, dignified lady who remains in the hearts and memories of all who knew her.

On her wedding day to Harry in 1919


On the 125th anniversary of Bess Wallace Truman's birth, Clifton Truman Daniel, the eldest grandson of the former first couple, will share a selection of yet-to-be-published letters from Bess to Harry. Truman's letters (more than 1,300 of them) are legendary, but until now Bess Truman's side of the correspondence has been closed to the public or missing (she burned the majority of the letters she wrote to Harry). Daniel will reveal a selection of the approximately 180 "Dear Harry" letters in a program commemorating the former First Lady's 125th birthday to paint a picture of his grandmother that is quite different from the unsmiling First Lady remembered by most Americans.

Following the program, the Independence Pioneers Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will host its annual Bess Truman Birthday Tea for all guests. The presentation and tea are included with Museum admission; seating is first come, first served.
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emad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-08-10 06:08 AM
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1. And Happy Birthday Harry, 126 today!
Gone but never forgotten. It was a priviledge to know you.

And Happy Harry S Truman Day, Missourians. He was the best.

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