do puppy mills and "Dancing with the Stars" have to do with each other? During this election season, plenty.
This morning, The Humane Society of the United States and our coalition partners with the Missourians for the Protection of Dogs/YES! on Prop B campaign in Missouri launched this powerful television ad that delivers this critical message:
At puppy mills in Missouri, dogs are crammed into small and filthy cages, denied veterinary care, exposed to extremes of heat and cold, and given no exercise or human affection. These puppy mills are cruel and the way these dogs are treated is wrong.
Missouri has approximately 3,000 puppy mills -- 30 percent of the entire nation -- and it’s very likely that a puppy from a Missouri mill is lying in a cage at a pet store near you, at this very moment. Proposition B will stop puppy mill abuses by establishing common sense standards for the proper care of dogs, but the measure won’t pass without your help.
That's why, today, I hope you'll help us send a powerful message to Missouri voters. Watch this critical ad, then make a special gift to help us raise the $200,000 we need to air this TV ad about Proposition B. you could guess, TV ads don't come cheap -- especially when they air during popular shows like "American Idol," "Dancing With the Stars," and "CSI." Please watch the YES! on Prop B ad, then help us get it on the air. Here's what your donation will buy:
If five people give just $25, we can buy an ad on the “Oprah Winfrey Show” in Kansas City for $125.
If 53 people give $75 each, we can buy an ad on “Dancing With the Stars” in St. Louis for $4,000.
If 18 people give $100 each, we can buy an ad on “CSI” in Springfield for $1,800.
If one person gives $300, we can buy an ad on "The View" in St Louis.
If one person gives $1,350, we can buy an ad on "The Today Show" in St. Louis.
It is critical that we reach voters starting today and during the next four weeks. We have a short window of opportunity, and we'll have the greatest impact by broadcasting our ad to millions in Missouri. Will you help make sure voters get the message?
On behalf of thousands of dogs suffering in Missouri, thank you so much for helping us show these puppy mill images on TV, and showing Missouri voters the truth about this cruelty.
wayne pacelle
Wayne Pacelle
President & CEO
The Humane Society of the United States