Midtown KC. Hyde Park and Westport areas.
Judy Morgan, Democrat, former teacher and local AFT president, is running against Jamie Landes, Republican, a foreclosure attorney.
Very interesting.
Jamie claims to be an independent who has belonged to both parties at one time or another. Judy is a lifelong Democrat.
My friend who lives in the 39th tells me Jamie just recently removed a Sarah Palin sticker from her car. How many independents are Sarah Palin fans?
They were asked a series of YES/NO questions. First question - 'Do you support a woman's right to choose?' and 'Will you support maintaining that right to choose?' Judy said "Yes" and "Yes". Jamie paused and went into a detailed answer about the issue being complicated. The interviewer interrupted her and said "Yes or no, Jamie" and Jamie said it's not a yes or no issue.
In other words, Jamie is anti-choice and afraid to admit it.
When asked who their donations were coming from, Judy said mainly friends and local unions, which she added she expected since she was a local union leader for many years. Jamie said she doesn't believe in putting a lot of money into a campaign so she only asked family for donations and was running a "grassroots" campaign on only $1000.
Don't forget to vote on Tuesday!