First time in the state forum...I'd like to borrow the soapbox for a moment.
I'll cop to being almost OCD when it comes to recycling...and if you're from Billings you
know we haven't got a whole helluva lot in place for this sort of thing...some collection centers that buy aluminum, tin cans (Pacific and Golden recycling
will pay...a little...for tin cans as well as aluminium...and they'll also pay for used tin foil. :tinfoilhat: No, really!).
They'll take plastic (water bottles, pop bottles, bleach...look around, we use a scary amount of plastic containers) as a donation...and now they've had to put cardboard on their 'donation only' list as well. Economy's so
strong bad that they've lost the contract for selling fiber goods (newspaper, corrugated and regular cardboard, etc.,)...and we have
nothing in place to deal with glass.
That all goes to the landfill. :grr:
I got onto Senator Baucus's and Senator Tester's offices as to how some recycling
plants (as opposed to just collection points) would be a Good Thing for Montana...it's hard to recycle stuff if your choices are A). take it to the landfill or
B). let it pile up in your own place.
Having recycling centers would mean JOBS...which would be good for the economy...and since President-elect Obama has been making noises about 'green jobs'...what's greener than recycling?
I'm only one person, and pretty low-ranked at that...'registered voter' is my only leverage.
"Thank you for your opinion, I'll inform Senator _______ of your concern". :eyes:
Can y'all get after their Senatorships on this?
Enough of us making noise, they do need to take some notice...and there IS some funding coming down the pike. :fistbump:
Senator Max Baucus (D) (local#) 406-657-6790 (Washington, D.C.#) 202-224-2651
http://baucus.senate.gov/Senator Jon Tester (D) (local#) 406-252-0550 (I don't have the D.C. number handy, but it should be on the website