From an email sent out by the DNC
Hello Montana Democrats!
We've had it with Bush and the Republican Party - and we're tired of watching them destroy our state and our country!
We're ready to start organizing to change the direction of our country - but we need some help!
In just a few days, Democrats in communities across the state will start gathering for Neighbor-to-Neighbor Victory Trainings. We'll talk about winning strategies and ways we can convince our undecided neighbors that "W" is wrong and that Kerry-Edwards and the Democrats are right for Montana!
Below is a list of dates and communities we will be visiting in the future.
Please RSVP at either (406) 442-9520 or field@montanademocrats.org as soon as possible.
Bring as many of your friends as you can and join us as we work to move Montana and America forward!
Saturday, August 28 6:30 p.m., Kalispell Location: Flathead Democratic Office, 155 N Main Street Special Guest Speaker: Bob Ream, Chair, Montana Democratic Party
Sunday, August 29 1 p.m., Billings Location: Billings Education Association (BEA), 510 N 29th Street Special Guest Speaker: Secretary of State Nominee Bill Kennedy
6:30 p.m., Bozeman Location: Senior Center, 807 N Tracy Special Guest Speaker: State Auditor John Morrison
Monday, August 30 6:30 p.m., Helena Cogswell Building, 1400 Broadway, Room 209 Special Guest Speaker: Superintendent of Public Instruction Linda McCulloch
Tuesday, August 31 6:30 p.m., Missoula Union Hall, 208 E Main Special Guest Speaker: Former U.S. Representative Pat Williams
Wednesday, September 1 6:30 p.m., Great Falls Labor Temple, 1112 7th St S Special Guest Speaker: Attorney General Mike McGrath
Thursday, September 2 6:30 p.m., Butte Carpenters Hall, 156 W Granite Special Guest Speaker: Attorney General Mike McGrath & Tracy Velazquez, Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives
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