Kerry visits Schweitzer on tour By CHARLES S. JOHNSON
Gazette State Bureau

JON EBELT/Independent Record
U.S. Sen. John Kerry, right, visits with
members of the Helena media and Gov. Brian
Schweitzer, second from left, Thursday at
the Capitol in Helena. Kerry is visiting
Montana for a few days and wanted to come to
Helena to meet with Schweitzer about both
state and national issues. HELENA - U.S. Sen. John Kerry, the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee, stopped by the Capitol on Thursday to visit with Gov. Brian Schweitzer as part of a national "listening tour" but deflected any questions about running for president in 2008.
A relaxed Kerry was on his way to his vacation home in Ketchum, Idaho, during the congressional recess. The Massachusetts senator entered the Capitol rotunda to the warm applause of Schweitzer's staff as the governor walked down the hall to welcome him. Then the two men greeted some surprised people touring the Capitol.
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