Edited on Mon Aug-22-05 02:44 PM by Wetzelbill
I'll fill you all in. Earlier this summer I talked to my county chair back in MT about being interested in running for state senate, as the current Senator is term limited. I had been asked about it before by a few people, but never considered at this early stage in my life. However, I felt sick of being on the outside looking in and wanted to use electoral politics in an activist manner. So I've made a verbal commitment to run. Some time ago, my party chair told me that a potential primary opponent doesn't have the best relationship with the Governor's office. So I e-mailed Brian Schweitzer, let him know who I was, that I was interested in running, and wanted to get on the same page as the Governor in my prospective race.
I didn't think anything of it.
Well, about a week ago, the Governor had his office of Indian Affairs contact me about meeting with the State Coordinator for Indian Affairs, Reno Charette. I should mention I am a Blackfeet Indian and my district is composed of mainly Indian Reservations. Well, I played e-mail tag with them a little bit and called this morning. I cannot get back just yet as I got to school in Tucson, AZ, so I'm set up for a conference call later on this month when she gets back to her office from her business travels. I'm going to go over the platform with her and figure some things out. When I get back, I'll go in and meet with her in Helena. I'm hoping to get some face time with the Governor too, which, just knowing the kind of guy he is, I'm sure will happen.
At any rate, it's no big deal yet, but I thought I'd keep DUers and everybody in the MT forum up to date on some of the things I'm working on. I have had many people contact me about donations etc, so when I get a treasurer and everything I'll let everybody know more info.