Tester is a great candidate and we need more people like him to run in red areas. He shows that if we Democrats run a "loud and proud" progressive campaign, we WILL take back Congress in 2006 and put this country back on the right path.
http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2005/12/29/161457/58(note - emphasis added is mine)
A "Loud and Clear" Message for the Democratic Party
by Jon Tester
Thu Dec 29, 2005 at 02:14:57 PM PDT
This has been an exciting year. Last January, Democrats walked into Helena following our most successful election in a generation. And we walked out after one of the most effective legislative sessions - and special sessions - in memory.
We embraced renewable energy ... historically high levels of funding for education ... new programs to extend health insurance and prescription drug coverage to more Montanans ... and economic development programs that will move Montana forward.
Montanans have responded to our leadership. They gave the Legislature its highest marks in recent memory. Recent polls show most Montanans feel better about the direction of our state than they do about the direction of our country. And every new poll that comes out shows an increasing level of faith in Montana Democrats.
What we proved here in Montana is that it is possible, even in a so-called red state, to put forward an aggressive, principled agenda, get it passed, and win the trust of voters.Now, we need to send that same message to Washington, D.C. Please consider making a contribution to Montanans for Tester today.
Jon Tester's diary :: ::
For too long, our party has been scared of its own shadow, unwilling to do anything for fear of facing political consequences. As a result, we've now got a President who thinks he can do anything without facing any consequences.
We need more Senators who will stand up to this administration.
In September, I demanded a new energy bill, one that gives fewer handouts to America's richest corporations and that does more to take care of consumers, the environment, and America's long-term energy needs.
So far, the Bush Administration has refused to act responsibly on energy.
Last month, I called for an exit strategy and a plan in Iraq that owns up to reality.
So far, the Bush Administration has refused to own up to reality in Iraq.
If we are going to succeed in making the Bush Administration change direction on the most important issues facing America - the economy, energy, health care, Iraq and education - we will need to make a strong case to them. And we'll only do that if we can send a strong message to the Democratic leadership.
Please, consider making a contribution today.
The Nation, one of America's most respected weekly magazines, recently editorialized that with my election in November, "the Democratic leadership will get the message loud and clear: It's time to get out of Iraq."
I hope to send another message as well: It's time for Congress to start working more for Americans and less for the richest multinational corporations and special-interests and their lobbyists.
But I can't send that message alone. I need your help. My campaign wants to launch our grassroots field operation soon. To do that, we need money. At the beginning of this month, we asked you to help us raise $10,000 in December. We've raised over 80% so far. Now I need your help to put my campaign over the top:
Whatever you can give -- $10, $20, $50, or $100 - will make a difference in this race.
Thank you all for all that you do,
Jon Tester