HELENA - The state Republican Party asked supporters Friday to influence a newspaper's Internet poll that posed a question about Sen. Conrad Burns and lobbyist Jack Abramoff, hoping to sway the unscientific survey's results.
A GOP spokesman said the party was responding to what it saw as a curious jump in anti-Burns responses it thought may have been fueled by opposition groups.
The online poll by The Billings Gazette asked: "How concerned are you about Senator Burns' relationship with indicted D.C. lobbyist Jack Abramoff?" Readers could respond with "very concerned," "somewhat concerned," "not too concerned," "not at all concerned" or "not sure."
As of late Friday afternoon, about half the approximately 17,000 votes were for "very concerned" and about a third were for "not at all concerned."
Gee, it never occurred to the GOP that all those articles pointing out Burns Behaving Badly might have
something to do with public opinion?
At least they are outta the closet about officially seeking to freep the polls. We have been watching evidence that it is happening on other issues in the Gazette polls. Like, privacy, bush breaking laws, stuff like that. The polls start out pretty true to what you hear from folks then suddenly tilt drastically to pro-junta positions.
Since the nature of most in Montana is to have reservations if not outright distrust bordering on paranoia about the federal government getting too involved in private lives, the poll results of late are decidedly off!
Good to see the GOP coming out about the issue of slanting polls.
Meanwhile, Conrad Burns can't buy a playmate here anymore. Guess that says something about REAL public opinion!