Hey, Denny, name some instead of pulling crap outta your ass.
http://www.kpax.com/global/story.asp?s=5015450&ClientType=Printable Lindeen said she believed most Montanans don't agree with the direction of the current Congress or administration -- especially on education and health care funding Rehberg said he hasn't always agreed with the president or his party -- and called government a "work in progress."
He's been a leading critic of the estate tax and defended efforts to eliminate it -- saying it creates a hardship on a lot of Montana families.
There are VERY few families in the whole nation the tax applies too! Stop using scar tactic to stampede people into thinking their kin will have to pay a tax when they die.
Call attempts to repeal it what an honest name: BIRTH TAX on every citizen due to what it would do to our deficit!
And if Denny disagreed with the neocons in the West Wing, I missed it. Puppet through and through... all hat, no brain Denny