As you may have heard, Senator Barack Obama will headline the NDP's Morrison-Exon Dinner on Saturday, May 6th, 2006. It's sure to be an incredible evening -- one that will invigorate our Party for the November elections and beyond.
Since his keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004, Senator Obama has inspired countless Democrats with infectious vigor and passion, and his words in Omaha should prove to be no exception. But more than just a speaker, his personal story represents the best of America -- and a bright future for the Democratic Party.
This online community is also an important part of the Party's future, and that's why you should have a seat at the table. The event details have just been finalized, and the link below is the first time we've released tickets. While space is still available, I hope you'll consider joining your fellow Democrats in Omaha for this unforgettable evening: dinner is the most important event of the year for the NDP, and Democrats from all over the region -- young and old -- will be there. We want you to be part of this truly amazing evening, and Senator Obama's presence should be the exclamation point that convinces you.
The dinner will take place at the Hilton Omaha, with a general reception starting at 6pm and dinner promptly at 7pm. Tickets to the dinner are $125 each, and there will be a VIP reception and group tables as well. You can find more details and purchase tickets here: contribution for the evening makes a critical investment in State Party infrastructure for the coming elections and beyond. The 93 County Strategy is moving forward; our training sessions connect neighbors with one another to take control of their communities and our candidates take the fight to Republicans in races across the state.
But we can do better.
For every volunteer we have, we need to train ten more. Every new candidate that runs for office is another opportunity to reach the voters with our message. As a Party, it's up to us to lay the groundwork that makes success possible for Democrats in Nebraska.
May 6th is a great opportunity to celebrate your commitment to the Democratic Party with one of its brightest stars. I hope you will join us: on pricing and lodging can be found at the link above. Please invite anyone you think should be at this night of hope and inspiration no Democrat should miss.
Thank you for your steadfast support of the NDP.
With Warm Wishes,
Barry Rubin