It's looking like a summer and fall full of this asshole's ads. I can't wait. Through the whole build up to these primaries all you ever heard from all candidates was "Protect traditional marraige, strenghten borders, end partial birth abortion, blah blah". To me it seemed that there was no difference between all Repub hopefuls. My favorite was (Adrian Smith's I believe) were he was gonna be the guy to stand up to the liberal tax and spenders. Last I checked they control all aspects of government and blown it up through spending. All in all, they all seemed at least 2 years behind, basicly parroting every party line I've ever heard of theirs. What pisses me off is that they will still get 80% of this state to do the rank and file thing. How many people in this state are threatened by liberals or how is a multi-millionaire relate to us with his "Nebraska values"?
Apologies for the rant, and a welcome back to myself. I miss internet.