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Ne Democratic Party Action Alert!!!

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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-23-06 06:10 PM
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Ne Democratic Party Action Alert!!!

NDP Action Alert

Tell Adrian Smith to Pay for His Own Party

As Adrian Smith prepares to host Vice President Dick Cheney for an exorbitant fundraiser for his bid for Congress, the residents of Grand Island prepare for the possibility of having to pick up the tab.

According to the Grand Island Independent, “the Grand Island Police Department will incur overtime costs next week for the Monday visit of Vice President Dick Cheney.”

The police department is not disclosing estimates for the cost of such overtime, citing security reasons. However, “Grand Island Mayor Jay Vavricek said the city's expenses will be disclosed after the event and review will be given to see if any of the costs are reimbursable. If the costs aren't reimbursable, the city will simply pay them because it does budget for overtime to work at special events, the mayor and Falldorf said.”

Click here to read the story from today's edition of the Grand Island Independent.

There is no doubt that security needs to be tight and robust. It’s just a matter of who pays for it.

It would be understandable if the city footed the bill for an official visit to meet the great people of Grand Island. However, this is a private, incredibly expensive fundraiser. Call on Adrian Smith and his campaign to announce that they are footing the bill for this, not the taxpayers of Grand Island.
Contact the Smith campaign TODAY by calling 1-888-237-4267 or by sending an email to

One other thing to point out - Scott Kleeb (website) is also holding an event in Grand Island Monday morning, highlighting Nebraska’s alternative energy potential. That event is open to the public and will occur with absolutely no cost to the city.

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Go Big Red Huskers Donating Member (6 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-05-06 12:16 AM
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1. And here we go again!
With "W" coming in tomorrow the cost of "Smith for Congress" keeps on rising...
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