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Any Cornhusker fans out there?

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the observationist Donating Member (130 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-02-06 07:04 PM
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Any Cornhusker fans out there?
Edited on Sat Sep-02-06 07:06 PM by the observationist
What did you think about today's game? I thought the boys did a pretty good job. I can see some areas they need to improve but I thought they played a really good game against Louisiana. Louisiana wasn't the best team in the country, but they went 7-4 last year and they won their bowl game, if you didn't know or were wondering.

(Is it ok to post stuff like this in here?)
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BensMom Donating Member (670 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-03-06 07:31 PM
Response to Original message
1. I Love the Huskers
I grew up here and it was not cool to love the Cornhuskers.

I have gone through all the phases, goal posts down "O" street etc.
Now I really love game day, I love the crazy fans, I love the parties, I love the food. Wow! What unity and solidarity.

I am usually in charge of the food in the house for the games. I bought a nice TV with my bonus last year. Kids are welcome to have people over. We can't afford to go to the games. And I really don't know that much about the game. But it's a happy time in Nebraska on game day.

So I am a fan- maybe a fringe fan.
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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-03-06 08:07 PM
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2. I love them too!

It is only four months of the year. So it's ok.

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TheFarseer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-05-06 05:31 PM
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3. Love the Huskers
grew up with the team, went to the University. Other than a few drops, the offense looked really good. The secondary is a big concern. We're very thin at corner and that could really show up vs. USC. Hope they can find a way to cover that up. I'm looking for a good year either way.
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the observationist Donating Member (130 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-05-06 07:48 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. I agree.
With all the injuries it could be a rough game against USC, but I think we have a shot. USC romped Arkansas this last weekend and they looked good, but I saw one interview with a USC player and he was cocky. He basically said that they don't think about they're opponents. They could careless who they play. They've seen it all. It may be true, but they are ready for an ass whoopin and wouldn't it be cool if NU was the team to give it to them?
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prairie populist Donating Member (175 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-06-06 06:11 PM
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5. This is a little off subject, but the football reference reminded
me of this email crap I got from the NE GOP Monday.


Lincoln, Neb. – Today, the Nebraska Republican Party offers its heartfelt condolences to University of Colorado graduate
Scott Kleeb over the Buffalo’s disappointing and humiliating 19-10 loss this past weekend to the Montana State Bobcats, a
Division I-AA team.

“It’s no secret that Scott Kleeb is very proud of his alma mater,” said NEGOP Chairman Mark Quandahl. “And even
though the University of Colorado is one of the Cornhusker’s most heated rivalries, it still doesn’t change the fact that this
must be a very trying time for the east-coast educated Kleeb.

“Even though Mr. Kleeb grew up in Europe, has never paid taxes or lived in Nebraska before he suddenly decided to run
for Congress, the Nebraska Republican Party believes it is important to put politics aside in this Mr. Kleeb’s hour of

Nebraska Cornhuskers interested in providing further condolences or other personal reflections about the University of
Colorado and their rough weekend are encouraged to send them to:

Scott Kleeb for Congress
82090 Conway Road
Dunning, NE 68833
-- G O P –
Paid for by the Nebraska Republican Party ? 402-475-2122 ?
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee

The state GOP is constantly trying to mislead voters on Kleeb's background.

His parents taught soldiers' kids on military bases, that's why he grew up in Europe.

The state GOP's intellectual (that's stretching it, I know) dishonestly is nauseating.
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the observationist Donating Member (130 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-07-06 09:15 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. And they fall even further
It is amazing to me how Republicans can be so insensitive and misleading. I mean that was one of the most pathetic letters I've seen from a Republican politician. I guess they know they're floundering and they are grasping for straws. They are hoping that the constituents will keep themselves uneducated and take the Republicans at their word.

On a side note I received a phone call from someone that wanted to know how I was going to vote in the Senate race between Ricketts and Nelson. I told them I was voting for Nelson and she said are you absolutely sure that you are going to vote for Nelson. And I said I am most definitely sure about my choice. She laughed and hung up. I guess it was my tone I don't know. Ricketts is one of those thugs I can't stand. His recent ads about growing up in a small town with a farm girl mother just make me ill. I mean this billionaire is trying to convince me that he is true to his roots? Whatever. He's one of those scary right wingers that could care less about the constituents.
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TheFarseer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-07-06 11:06 PM
Response to Reply #5
7. Trying to capitalize on football?
That's grasping at straws. They can't beat Scott Kleeb on the issues so they have to run against Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi and now the Colorado Buffaloes! Do you think any of these people that hate Nancy Pelosi so much could even pick her out of a line-up or quote you anything she has ever said? Dennis Hastert tried to demonize people making less than $40K saying they don't pay any taxes and implying they are free-loading off those poor millionaires. What is that fat toad doing for anyone in the third district? The good folks in my native district better wake up and figure out who is on their side and what's really going to drive their farm out of business (hit- it's not the federal estate tax). Scott Kleeb has a real and novel plan for Nebraska agriculture and Adrian Smith has more of the same free market bullcrap that got us to this point where we are completely reliant on government payments. But then again, if your plan is to drive out family farms and install corporate farms, then the plan is working perfectly.
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Rainbowreflect Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-12-06 08:17 AM
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8. I was born a husker fan.
Both my parents went to UNL when the huskers sucked and went to every home game. I was born in Lincoln and have lived all but about 6 years of my life here.
I have been to 20 something home games and have yet to see them lose in person.
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