Over two million Americans develop hospital infections every year, and 90,000 of these patients die. Sign our petition to tell Governor Heineman to make stopping deadly hospital infections a priority!
The stories people have written on our petition to stop hospital infections are heart-wrenching. Fathers, husbands, sisters, and brothers have entered hospitals for heart surgery, knee surgery, appendicitis, and other routine procedures. All developed hospital infections, all suffered needlessly, and some even died.
Hospitals should be places where you get better, not where you acquire a preventable infection that could cost you your life! Urge Governor Heineman to do everything possible to prevent hospital infections in your state.
Do you know what the hospital infection rates are in Omaha or Nebraska? Chances are, you couldn't find out if you wanted to because hospitals keep this information a closely guarded secret. Only 14 states require public reporting of infection rates, and Nebraska isn't one of them.
And now, too many people are developing an antibiotic resistant "superbug" (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus or MRSA) infection during hospital stays. People who develop this deadly infection often suffer for years with additional hospitalizations and surgeries.
There are effective, proven strategies to curb the spread of MRSA, but most hospitals are not using them. And even the most basic infection prevention strategy – hand-washing – is too often ignored, with dire consequences for patients.
Act now: Nebraska can do far more to curb the spread of dangerous MRSA infections, and you can make it happen. Please sign this petition today to urge Governor Heineman to make stopping deadly hospital infections a priority!
Thank you for taking action today,
Rebecca Young,
Care2 and ThePetitionSite team
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