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Marijuana: After 30 Years, Nebraska Legislator Wants to Recriminalize

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Leo 9 Donating Member (560 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-26-08 05:50 PM
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Marijuana: After 30 Years, Nebraska Legislator Wants to Recriminalize
Drug War Chronicle - world’s leading drug policy newsletter

Marijuana: After 30 Years, Nebraska Legislator Wants to Recriminalize

from Drug War Chronicle, Issue #519, 1/18/08

For three decades, marijuana possession has been decriminalized in Nebraska, but now a state legislator has filed a bill, LB844, that would make it a misdemeanor punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a $500 fine. Currently, the maximum penalty for possession of less than one ounce is a $100 fine.

Nebraska is one of 12 states where marijuana possession has been decriminalized. Most of of them decriminalized in the 1970s, but Nevada joined the select group in 2001. A decriminalization initiative will go before Massachusetts voters this fall, and it appears the Vermont legislature may consider a move this year as well (See story here this issue).

But if state Sen. Russ Karpisek has his way, Nebraska will be heading in the other direction. He told the Omaha World-Herald he wants pot smokers to suffer at least the same penalty as underage drinkers.

"Alcohol is legal for adults, while marijuana is an illegal substance," the Wilber lawmaker said. "It's one of those things us rednecks really get mad about."

The proposed bill is winning the support of anti-drug activists and some prosecutors. The "parent resource group" PRIDE-Omaha Inc. thinks it's a good idea.

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Vet31203 Donating Member (280 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-23-08 10:09 AM
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1. really mad about?
Its marijuana, for heaven sakes. Nebraska needs to worry about there crystal meth and Omaha's cocaine problem before they should even think about marijauna.

William J Meyers for House 2008
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acmavm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-29-08 01:45 PM
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2. Are you kidding? These shit-for-brains assholes want to put
EVERYBODY in jail. This place is so rabidly red-necked (at least the buy was honest about what a worthless piece of shit he is) that it's disgusting
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residentfan Donating Member (98 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-26-08 11:15 AM
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3. Chambers vs.Karpisek
I watched Senator Ernie Chambers debate this bill with Sen. Russ Karpisek. My conclusion: Sen. Karpisek is as dumb as a rock. And I apologize to all rocks for saying so.
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