Tomorrow my opponent and I will meet in Lincoln for the first debate of the campaign. It's the first in what I hope are many opportunities for both of us to respond directly to questions about how we can change a dysfunctional political system that isn’t working for Nebraska.
I encourage you to watch the debate online courtesy of KOLN 10 / KGIN 11 beginning at 1:45 p.m. CDT at From the first day of this campaign, we've made a commitment to practice a new brand of politics, one focused on the real lives of real people, that encourages more people to become a part of the process and speak their mind.
Tomorrow, debate attendees have a chance to be a part of that process. Today, we want to offer that same opportunity to you.
Have a question about my position on healthcare or gas prices? How about energy, or the war in Iraq? Go ahead and ask me.
Just shoot me an e-mail at with your name and address, and I'll do my best to answer as quick as I can about any issue under the sun.
Got another question on your mind? Why don't you ask me face-to-face? Visit our website for instructions about how to bring my campaign to your hometown, and we'll sit down to sift through tomorrow's challenges together.
Bringing change to Washington starts with changing a broken political system. And we're going to need your help to make that happen.
So drop me a line, ask me a question, bring me to your hometown. Look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you so much,
Scott Kleeb
P.S. Help us spread the word! Tell five of your friends and family to check out our website and bring us to their hometown!