Based on past years, this was a massive, absolutely massive turnout.
You know what it says to me, 71% of the delegates (and a whole bunch of alternates) picked at the caucus are still motivated enough to give up a Sunday afternoon to show their commitment to making things better for this country. A bunch of people who are so sick of the republican shit got off their ass and went to the pershing to hopefully make a difference. I don't know the percentage was, but I can assure you that by far the vast majority of the people at the convention were first timers, no doubt about it. (It was my first Lancaster county convention)
When the second most populous city in the state doubles the turnout of the the first, thats pretty amazing in my book.
When quorum is 40% and 71% show, thats pretty damn good.
Can we do better? Absolutely! Is there room for improvement? Of course! But all in all they did a damn good job. Damn Good!!
I say the Lancaster county Democrats deserve a big round of applause for putting together the biggest and best county convention in the state.